Põllumajandusliku maakasutuse koondumine Eestis
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Rasva, Marii
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maakasutuse koondumine algas aastakümneid tagasi, kuid on viimasel ajal hoogustunud.
Probleem on aktuaalne mitmetes Euroopa riikides, kuid suurim just Nõukogude Liidu
koosseisu kuulunud riikides. Viimase 20 aasta jooksul on kogu Euroopas vähenenud nii
põllumajanduslike talumajapidamiste kui ka põllumajandussektoris töötavate inimeste arv.
Samal ajal on haritava maa pindala püsinud suuremate muutusteta, mis näitab, et
maakasutus on koondunud järjest väiksema hulga tootjate kasutusse.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada, kas Eestis toimub maakasutuse koondumine
suurte põllumajanduslike tootjate kasutusse. Selleks uuriti varasemaid teadustöid ja
publikatsioone, mis käsitlevad maakasutuse koondumist Euroopas, Nõukogude Liidu
koosseisu kuulunud riikides ja Eestis. Lisaks on tähelepanu pööratud Eesti
põllumajanduspoliitikale aastatel 2007 kuni 2020.
Töös kasutati kvantitatiivset uurimismeetodit. Selleks, et saada ülevaadet
põllumajandusliku maakasutuse muutustest Eestis analüüsiti PRIA 2011, 2013 ja 2016
aasta andmeid. Statistikaameti 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 aasta andmete alusel uuriti
füüsiliste ja juriidiliste isikute maakasutuse muutuseid.. Töös uuriti üle 4000 ha ja üle 1000
ha harivate tootjate maakasutuse muutuseid, suurusgruppides 0-<2 ha, 2-<40 ha, 40-<100
ha, 100-<400 ha, 400-<1000 ha, >1000 ha toimunud muutuseid ning kümmet Eesti
suurimat maakasutajat.
Töö tulemusena selgus, et põllumajandusliku maa pindala ning haritavate maatükkide arv
on Eestis kasvanud, kuid tootjate arv on samal ajal vähenenud. Peamiselt on kasvanud
juriidiliste isikute kasutuses oleva maa pindala. Enim tegutseb tootjaid 2-<40 hektarilise
maakasutuse grupis ning kõige vähem >1000 hektarilise maakasutuse suurusgrupis. Samal
ajal kasutab suuremat osa haritavast maast suurusgrupp >1000 ha. Seega suureneb tootmise
maakasutuse koondumine Eesti põllumajanduses jätkuvalt ning peamiselt on suurte
põllumajanduslike tootjate maakasutus koondunud Lääne-Viru ja Järva maakonda ning
vähemal määral ka Tartu ja Jõgeva maakonda.
Kuna magistritöö tulemusena selgus, et Eestis on põllumajanduslik maakasutus koondunud
suurte tootjate kasutusse, siis seisneb töö olulisus selle probleemi olemasolu tõestamises.
Töö tulemus on oluline põllumajanduspoliitika teostamiseks Eestis ning tulevastele
lõputööde kirjutajatele, kes soovivad oma töö siduda käesoleva magistritöö teemaga.
Concentration in land use started decades ago but has accelerated lately. This problem is current in many European countries but mainly in Post-Soviet countries. Within last 20 years there has been decrease in number of agricultural households and people working in agricultural sector. At the same time there hasn’t been remarkable change in area of agricultural land, which shows that land use has concentrated in the hands of fewer producers. The goal of this master’s thesis is to find out if there is agricultural land use concentration in Estonia. In order to reach the goal previous researches and publications were studied that focus on concentration in agricultural land use in Europe, Post-Soviet countries and Estonia. Estonian agricultural policy during the period 2007-2020 was also studied. In this paper quantitative method of research was used. PRIA data from 2011, 2013, 2016 was analyzed in order to get an overview of changes in Estonian agricultural land use. Statistics Estonia data from 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 was analyzed in order to get an overview of land use changes in corporate body and self-employed worker`s land use. In this paper ST-400 and ST-1000 land use changes were examined in size groups of 0-<2 ha, 2-<40 ha, 40-<100 ha, 100-<400 ha, 400-<1000 ha, >1000 ha and 10 largest agricultural land users in Estonia were also examined. As the result of this paper it turned out that the area of agricultural land and the number of cultivated land units has grown but the number of producers has decreased. The agricultural land area farmed by corporate bodies has grown. The majority of farms cultivate land in size group 2-<40 ha and the least in size group >1000 ha. Most of the agricultural land is cultivated by size group >1000 ha. This means that the concentration of agricultural land use is growing. Land use of big agricultural farms has concentrated to Lääne-Viru, Järva, Tartu and Jõgeva county. As the result of this master’s thesis it was found that agricultural land use is concentrated into usage of large farms. This paper is important for proving exsistence of this problem in Estonia. The result of this paper could be important for future agricultural policy making. Also it can be useful for those people, who are going to write their thesis about similar subject.
Concentration in land use started decades ago but has accelerated lately. This problem is current in many European countries but mainly in Post-Soviet countries. Within last 20 years there has been decrease in number of agricultural households and people working in agricultural sector. At the same time there hasn’t been remarkable change in area of agricultural land, which shows that land use has concentrated in the hands of fewer producers. The goal of this master’s thesis is to find out if there is agricultural land use concentration in Estonia. In order to reach the goal previous researches and publications were studied that focus on concentration in agricultural land use in Europe, Post-Soviet countries and Estonia. Estonian agricultural policy during the period 2007-2020 was also studied. In this paper quantitative method of research was used. PRIA data from 2011, 2013, 2016 was analyzed in order to get an overview of changes in Estonian agricultural land use. Statistics Estonia data from 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 was analyzed in order to get an overview of land use changes in corporate body and self-employed worker`s land use. In this paper ST-400 and ST-1000 land use changes were examined in size groups of 0-<2 ha, 2-<40 ha, 40-<100 ha, 100-<400 ha, 400-<1000 ha, >1000 ha and 10 largest agricultural land users in Estonia were also examined. As the result of this paper it turned out that the area of agricultural land and the number of cultivated land units has grown but the number of producers has decreased. The agricultural land area farmed by corporate bodies has grown. The majority of farms cultivate land in size group 2-<40 ha and the least in size group >1000 ha. Most of the agricultural land is cultivated by size group >1000 ha. This means that the concentration of agricultural land use is growing. Land use of big agricultural farms has concentrated to Lääne-Viru, Järva, Tartu and Jõgeva county. As the result of this master’s thesis it was found that agricultural land use is concentrated into usage of large farms. This paper is important for proving exsistence of this problem in Estonia. The result of this paper could be important for future agricultural policy making. Also it can be useful for those people, who are going to write their thesis about similar subject.
Magistritöö Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, põllumajandustootjad, põllumajanduspoliitika, maade koondumine, Eesti