Review: Soil compaction and controlled traffic farming in arable and grass cropping systems
Kättesaadav alates
Antille, D.L.
Peets, S.
Galambošová, J.
Botta, G.F.
Rataj, V.
Macak, M.
Tullberg, J.N.
Chamen, W.C.T.
White, D.R.
Misiewicz, P.A.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
There is both circumstantial and direct evidence which demonstrates the significant
productivity and sustainability benefits associated with adoption of controlled traffic farming (CTF).
These benefits may be fully realised when CTF is jointly practiced with no-tillage and assisted by
the range of precision agriculture (PA) technologies available. Important contributing factors are
those associated with improved trafficability and timeliness of field operations. Adoption of CTF is
therefore encouraged as a technically and economically viable option to improve productivity and
resource-use efficiency in arable and grass cropping systems. Studies on the economics of CTF
consistently show that it is a profitable technological innovation for both grassland and arable landuse. Despite these benefits, global adoption of CTF is still relatively low, with the exception of
Australia where approximately 30% of the grain production systems are managed under CTF. The
main barriers for adoption of CTF have been equipment incompatibilities and the need to modify
machinery to suit a specific system design, often at the own farmers’ risk of loss of product warranty.
Other barriers include reliance on contracting operations, land tenure systems, and road transport
regulations. However, some of the barriers to adoption can be overcome with forward planning
when conversion to CTF is built into the machinery replacement programme, and organisations
such as ACTFA in Australia and CTF Europe Ltd. in Central and Northern Europe have developed
suitable schemes to assist farmers in such a process.
axle load, fertiliser use efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, non-controlled traffic, no-tillage cropping, traffic intensity, articles