TEUK XX : taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine : kahekümnenda konverentsi kogumik : [2018 : Tartu]
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Eesti Maaülikool
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Eesti Maaülikool
2018. tähistab 20. korda, mil toimub TEUK konverents. On väga tore näha, et TEUK
on selle kahe kümnendi jooksul säilitanud kindlalt oma positsiooni Eesti taastuvenergia
teemaliste foorumite hulgas. Eriti positiivne on asjaolu, et konverentsi kuulajate
hulk on pigem kasvanud ning publiku hulgas on alati rohkelt noori. Lisaks on meil ka
palju otseülekande jälgijaid üle terve Eesti, mis aitab infol laiema sihtrühmani jõuda.
Kurvaks teeb vaid asjaolu, et konverentsi artiklite kogumiku publitseerimine on aasta
aastalt raskemaks muutunud, kuna huvi eesti keeles teadusartiklite avaldamise vastu on
endiselt tugevas languses. Teadlasi väärtustatakse endiselt vaid ingliskeelsete kõrgetasemeliste
artiklite puhul, mis jätab pikalt tahaplaanile eesti keeles kirjutamise, teaduse
populariseerimise kohalikul tasemel ning eestikeelse teaduskeele arengu. Selle mõju on
juba tuntav igapäevases töös, kus paljudele ingliskeelsetele mõistetele ei ole pädevat
eestikeelset vastet, mistõttu igaüks tõlgib neid nii nagu heaks arvab. Vähene huvi eestikeelse
publitseerimise suhtes on näha ka TEUKi viimasel kolmel aastal. Kaks aastat ei
olnud meil pea midagi avaldada ning sel aastal on kogumik vaid kolmandik kunagisest.
Käesoleva konverentsi fookuses on innovatsioon Eesti energiasektoris, lisaks pöörame
pilgud teravamalt krüptorahanduse energiajäljele ning sellele kuidas parandada teadustulemuste
jõudmist praktikasse. Krüptorahandus on jõuliselt kasvav kuid raskesti
hoomatav sektor, millel on tegelikult oodatust suurem mõju energia tarbimisele. Arvestades,
et Eesti on endiselt ligi 85% toodetavast energiast põlevkivist, on suureneva
energiatarbega sektoril otsene mõju meie saasteainete emissioonidele ning sõltuvusele
fossiilsetest kütustest. Paralleelselt on Eesti Taastuvenergia Koda uuendanud oma Taastuvenergia100
mudelit, mis näitab, et jõuliste arengute tõttu taastuvenergia tehnoloogiate
(just meretuuleparkide ning päikesepaneelide) on vajalike investeeringute tasuvusaja
vähenemine ületanud ka kõige optimistlikumad prognoosid. Kas ehk tuleks krüptorahanduse
areng siduda tugevamalt just taastuvenergia kasutamisega?
Päeva lõpetusena toimub Eesti taastuvenergia sektori hetkeseisu ja teadusarenguid käsitlev
paneeldiskussioon „Kuidas ettevõtete ja ülikoolide koostööst väljuda uute toodete
ja teenustega?“, mis võtab kokku eelnevates ettekannetes käsitletud teemad ning üritab
leida lahendusi, kuidas me saaksime oma teadulaste tulemusi paremini ja edukamalt
kohalikus praktikas ära kasutada. Et need tulemused ei jääks ainult ülikoolide seinte
vahele. Loodetavasti aitab see kaasa ka suuremale eestikeelsete teadusartiklite avaldamisele
ning ülikoolide teadustöö nähtavamaks muutumisele just kohalikul tasemel.
Huvitavaid ettekandeid ja head lugemist!
Elis Vollmer
Eesti Maaülikooli taastuvenergia keskuse juhataja
2018 marks the twentieth time the TEUK conference takes place. It is delightful to see that TEUK has established itself fi rmly among the most popular renewable energy forums in Estonia. Especially positive is the fact that every year we have more and more young people in the audience. In addition, our live broadcasts help to deliver the message to a wider audience throughout whole Estonia. Only one sad aspect clouds the achievements. Publishing of scientifi c articles in Estonian has steadily declined over the years, which is why for two years we did not even manage to publish our proceedings and even this year it is only a third of its usual size. One reason for this is that our researchers are still evaluated only by the articles they publish in international journals, thus writing in Estonian, advocacy of our scientifi c results on local level and development of Estonian scientifi c language has dropped behind. This year's conference will focus on recent innovative developments in our energy sector; special attention will be on cryptocurrency and improvement of technology transfer between our researchers and entrepreneurs. Cryptocurrency mining is rapidly developing yet unregulated sector that has serious impact on our energy consumption. Considering that Estonia still produces about 85% of our energy from oil-shale, the rapidly developing mining activity has direct eff ect on our pollution and emissions. In parallel the new calculations done by Estonian Renewable Energy Association show that the rapid development of renewable energy technologies (especially off shore wind and solar energy) has decreased the payback period of investments more than any of the previous prognoses predicted. Maybe we should connect the cryptocurrency mining and renewable energy production more directly? Our day will be concluded with the panel discussion focusing on improving the technology transfer between our universities and entrepreneurs so that our economy would directly win from the research made by our scientists. I hope that this will lead us back to the increased number of scientifi c publications in Estonian as well, so that our research would be more visible in the local community. Enjoy the articles and the conference presentations! Elis Vollmer Head of the Centre of Renewable Energy of Estonian University of Life Sciences
2018 marks the twentieth time the TEUK conference takes place. It is delightful to see that TEUK has established itself fi rmly among the most popular renewable energy forums in Estonia. Especially positive is the fact that every year we have more and more young people in the audience. In addition, our live broadcasts help to deliver the message to a wider audience throughout whole Estonia. Only one sad aspect clouds the achievements. Publishing of scientifi c articles in Estonian has steadily declined over the years, which is why for two years we did not even manage to publish our proceedings and even this year it is only a third of its usual size. One reason for this is that our researchers are still evaluated only by the articles they publish in international journals, thus writing in Estonian, advocacy of our scientifi c results on local level and development of Estonian scientifi c language has dropped behind. This year's conference will focus on recent innovative developments in our energy sector; special attention will be on cryptocurrency and improvement of technology transfer between our researchers and entrepreneurs. Cryptocurrency mining is rapidly developing yet unregulated sector that has serious impact on our energy consumption. Considering that Estonia still produces about 85% of our energy from oil-shale, the rapidly developing mining activity has direct eff ect on our pollution and emissions. In parallel the new calculations done by Estonian Renewable Energy Association show that the rapid development of renewable energy technologies (especially off shore wind and solar energy) has decreased the payback period of investments more than any of the previous prognoses predicted. Maybe we should connect the cryptocurrency mining and renewable energy production more directly? Our day will be concluded with the panel discussion focusing on improving the technology transfer between our universities and entrepreneurs so that our economy would directly win from the research made by our scientists. I hope that this will lead us back to the increased number of scientifi c publications in Estonian as well, so that our research would be more visible in the local community. Enjoy the articles and the conference presentations! Elis Vollmer Head of the Centre of Renewable Energy of Estonian University of Life Sciences
taastuvad energiaallikad, energia, energiapoliitika, biokütused, säästev areng, Eesti, Euroopa, konverentsikogumikud