Lahemaa National Park 45. International conference "Local communities, cultural landscapes and heritage" : 6-8th of October 2016
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Environmental Board of Estonia in cooperation with Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Arts and ICOMOS Estonia organises international conference “Local communities, cultural landscapes and heritage“ in 6-8 October 2016 in Lahemaa National Park manors and villages. The conference is dedicated to Lahemaa National Park’s 45th anniversary. During the conference we are dealing with current issues of heritage management in theory and practice. Key speakers are discussing theoretical questions of heritage protection, international systems and practices in the field of heritage management, key issues of empowerment of local communities. Workshops are concentrated on concrete cases of management of cultural landscapes and community involvement. First day of conference is concentrating on protection of culture, second day on management of valuable cultural landscapes. Field trip will introduce initiatives of local communities of Lahemaa National Park. The participants of this conference are experts in the field, heritage practitioners and members of local communities of protected areas.
rahvuspargid, kultuuripärand, kultuurmaastikud, Lahemaa Rahvuspark, national parks, cultural heritage, cultural landscapes, Lahemaa National Park