Mehitamata õhusõiduki kasutamine mõõdistustööde läbiviimisel lumekuhja mahuarvutamise eesmärgil
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Tehvandi Spordikeskus SA ladustab uueks talihooajaks eelneval kevadel toodetud
saepuruga kaetud kunstlume kuhja. Varasemalt ei ole kunstlume mahtusid mõõdetud ja
puudub täpne teadmine, kui palju lund kuhjast suve jooksul sulab. Kunstlumekuhja mahu
mõõtmine on vajalik vähemalt kaks korda aastas, et teada saada lume kogus, mis kevadel
ladustatakse ja sügisel rajale laiali kantakse. Varasemalt on läbi viidud uuringuid, mis
kinnitavad mehitamata õhusõiduki poolt tehtud aerofotode kasutamise sobivust erinevate
täitematerjalide puistangute mahtude arvutamiseks.
Magistritöö eesmärk on uurida, millise täpsusega on fotogramm-meetrilisel meetodil
võimalik määrata kunstlumekuhja mahtu. Uurimistöö jaoks koguti andmeid kahel korral
2022. a sügisel ja kahel korral 2023. a kevadel Tehvandi Spordikeskuse territoorimil.
Avatud ja saepuruga kaetud kunstlumekuhjad mõõdeti kasutades GNSS- vastuvõtjat ja
mehitamata õhusõidukit. Ühel korral mõõdeti kunstlumekuhi üle ka kasutades LiDAR-it.
Mudeli mahtude täpsuse määramisel loeti õigeks LiDAR-i mõõtmise tulemused ja
võrreldi fotogramm-meetria abil saadud mahtusid GNSS-vastuvõtjaga mõõdetud
Kõigi antud töö raames moodustatud fotogramm-meetriliste mudelite mahud jäid
määruses “Markšeiderimõõdistuse täpsustatud nõuded ja kord” kehtestatud lubatud
erinevuse 10% piiresse. Fotogramm-meetrilistest mõõtmistest andis LiDAR-mõõtmistele
lähima tulemuse lend, mille ülekate oli 70% ja kaldenurk 70° (absoluutne erinevus 18 m3
ja suhteline erinevus 1,4%).
Uurimistöö käigus saadi kinnitust hüpoteesidele, et mehitamata õhusõidukilt tehtud
aerofotode põhjal on võimalik lumiselt pinnalt saada mõõtmistulemusi ning nende põhjalt
koostada maapinnamudeleid, mida on võimalik kasutada mahuarvutamiseks. Fotogrammmeetrilisel meetodil kunstlumekuhja mõõtes selgus, et ainult värskelt sadanud koheva
valge lume korral punktipilve luua ei ole võimalik.
Tehvandi Sports Center stores the artificial snow produced the previous spring for the new winter season in a pile covered with sawdust. Volumes have not been measured before and it is not known how much snow will melt from the pile during the summer. It is necessary to measure the volume of the artificial snow pile at least twice a year in order to know the amount of snow that is stored in the spring and spread on the track in the fall. In the past, studies have been conducted that confirm the suitability of using aerial photos taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle to calculate the volumes of piles of various aggregates. The aim of the Master's thesis is to find out whether the accuracy of the ground model created on top of the snow using the photogram-metric method is sufficient for volume calculation. For the research, data was collected twice in 2022 in the fall and twice in the spring of 2023 on the territory of the Tehvandi Sports Center. Open and sawdust covered snow piles were measured using a GNSS receiver and an unmanned aerial vehicle. On one occasion, the snow pile was also measured using LiDAR. When determining the accuracy of the model volumes, the LiDAR measurement results were considered correct and the volumes obtained by photogrammetry were compared with the volumes measured by the GNSS receiver. The volumes of all the photogrammetric models formed within the scope of this work were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by the law. Of the photogrammetric measurements, the flight with an overlap of 70% and an inclination angle of 70° gave the closest result to the LiDAR measurements (absolute difference of 18 m3 and relative difference of 1,4%). In the course of the research, the hypotheses were confirmed, that it is possible to obtain measurement results from a snowy surface based on aerial photos taken from an unmanned aircraft, and based on them, ground models can be prepared that can be used for volume calculations. By measuring the snow pile using the photogram-metric method, it became clear that it is not possible to create a point cloud only with freshly fallen white snow.
Tehvandi Sports Center stores the artificial snow produced the previous spring for the new winter season in a pile covered with sawdust. Volumes have not been measured before and it is not known how much snow will melt from the pile during the summer. It is necessary to measure the volume of the artificial snow pile at least twice a year in order to know the amount of snow that is stored in the spring and spread on the track in the fall. In the past, studies have been conducted that confirm the suitability of using aerial photos taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle to calculate the volumes of piles of various aggregates. The aim of the Master's thesis is to find out whether the accuracy of the ground model created on top of the snow using the photogram-metric method is sufficient for volume calculation. For the research, data was collected twice in 2022 in the fall and twice in the spring of 2023 on the territory of the Tehvandi Sports Center. Open and sawdust covered snow piles were measured using a GNSS receiver and an unmanned aerial vehicle. On one occasion, the snow pile was also measured using LiDAR. When determining the accuracy of the model volumes, the LiDAR measurement results were considered correct and the volumes obtained by photogrammetry were compared with the volumes measured by the GNSS receiver. The volumes of all the photogrammetric models formed within the scope of this work were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by the law. Of the photogrammetric measurements, the flight with an overlap of 70% and an inclination angle of 70° gave the closest result to the LiDAR measurements (absolute difference of 18 m3 and relative difference of 1,4%). In the course of the research, the hypotheses were confirmed, that it is possible to obtain measurement results from a snowy surface based on aerial photos taken from an unmanned aircraft, and based on them, ground models can be prepared that can be used for volume calculations. By measuring the snow pile using the photogram-metric method, it became clear that it is not possible to create a point cloud only with freshly fallen white snow.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, fotogramm-meetria, mahuarvutus, mehitamata õhusõiduk, lumekuhi