Ehitise hooldus- ja korrashoiu dokumentide tähtsus ehitusseadustiku mõistes (Vilcon Ehitus OÜ näitel) – ehitise tellija ootused
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Eesti Maaülikool
Ehitise hooldust ja korrashoidu käsitlevate standardite esimesed kontseptsioonid Eestis
töötati välja käesoleva sajandi esimestel aastatel, siiski tegutseb üldine enamus vara
omanikest ja kasutajatest kinnisvara hooldamisel endiselt oma parema äranägemise järgi,
toetudes isiklikele kogemustele.
Ehitusinseneri lõputöö uurimisülesandeks oli analüüsida teoreetilistest ja praktilistest
aspektidest ehitise hooldus- ja korrashoiu dokumentide tähtsust lähtudes ehitusvaldkonda
reguleerivatest õigusaktidest, ühendades need hea tava, ehitusjuhtimise teenust pakkuva
Vilcon Ehitus OÜ empiiriliste kogemuste ning ehitise tellija ootustega. Töö eesmärgiks oli
koostada ehitise kasutus- ja hooldusjuhendi vorm, mida on võimalik kohandada nii elu- kui
ka mitteeluhoonetele ning mida saavad Vilcon Ehitus OÜ objektijuhid tulevikus oma töös
Vilcon Ehitus OÜ kogemustele tuginedes nõuavad ehitise tellijad ehitajalt tulevasele
lõppkasutajale ruumipõhist hoone hooldusjuhendi koostamist nii elu- kui ka
mitteeluhoonetele. Seni puudusid vaadeldavas ettevõttes ühised arusaamad ja
terviksüsteem hooldusjuhendi koostamiseks, toimetati üksikute dokumentidega, mis olid
oma vormilt väga erinevad ning ei andnud võimalust usaldusväärselt võrrelda haldus- ja
hooldustegevusi ettevõtte erinevatel ehitusobjektidel.
Ehitise kasutus- ja hooldusjuhend on osa ehitusdokumentidest, mis annab eelkõige
üldistatud võimaluse hoone omanikule pädeva halduri valimise läbiviimiseks ning loob
pinnase ehitise edukaks kasutamiseks. Konkreetselt ja selgelt sõnastatud alused ehitise
kasutamiseks vähendavad hilisemaid ekspluatatsioonikulusid, mistõttu lükkuvad
suuremahulised ja vältimatud renoveerimistööd kasutusea jooksul kaugemasse tulevikku
ning pikeneb nii ehitise füüsiline, funktsionaalne, tehnoloogiline kui ka majanduslik eluiga.
Despite the fact that the first concepts of a building’s maintenance standards in Estonia were developed in the first years of this century, the general majority of property owners and end-users are still operating in a real estate maintenance based on their personal performance and experiences. The task of the current Master Thesis of Civil Engineering research was to survey the theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of facility maintenance documentation in the context of construction legislation, associate them with good building practice, the empirical experiences of the construction firm Vilcon Ltd and the expectations of the building’s customers. The purpose of the survey was to compose an operational and maintenance manual form of a building which can be adapted for residential and nonresidential buildings and which can be used by the Vilcon Ltd employees in the future. Based on the experiences of the construction firm Vilcon Ltd, the customers of the building require a room-based maintenance manual from the builder both for the residential and non-residential buildings for the end-users. Until recently the firm does not have collective perceptions and a complete solution to compose an operational and maintenance manual. So far the maintenance manuals are based on different individual documents in different forms, which does not enable to reliably compare administrative and maintenance activities at different construction sites. The operational and maintenance manual of the facility is part of construction documents, which enables the building owner to choose a proper and competent facility manager, it also supports successful real estate maintenance. Due to the specific and understandable manuals for real estate, maintenance exploitation costs will decrease, massive and unavoidable renovations during the building lifetime will be postponed into a distant future and thus the physical, functional, technological and economical lifetime of the building will be longer.
Despite the fact that the first concepts of a building’s maintenance standards in Estonia were developed in the first years of this century, the general majority of property owners and end-users are still operating in a real estate maintenance based on their personal performance and experiences. The task of the current Master Thesis of Civil Engineering research was to survey the theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of facility maintenance documentation in the context of construction legislation, associate them with good building practice, the empirical experiences of the construction firm Vilcon Ltd and the expectations of the building’s customers. The purpose of the survey was to compose an operational and maintenance manual form of a building which can be adapted for residential and nonresidential buildings and which can be used by the Vilcon Ltd employees in the future. Based on the experiences of the construction firm Vilcon Ltd, the customers of the building require a room-based maintenance manual from the builder both for the residential and non-residential buildings for the end-users. Until recently the firm does not have collective perceptions and a complete solution to compose an operational and maintenance manual. So far the maintenance manuals are based on different individual documents in different forms, which does not enable to reliably compare administrative and maintenance activities at different construction sites. The operational and maintenance manual of the facility is part of construction documents, which enables the building owner to choose a proper and competent facility manager, it also supports successful real estate maintenance. Due to the specific and understandable manuals for real estate, maintenance exploitation costs will decrease, massive and unavoidable renovations during the building lifetime will be postponed into a distant future and thus the physical, functional, technological and economical lifetime of the building will be longer.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, hooldusjuhendid, kinnisvara korrashoid, ehitised