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Performance analysis of biodegradable municipal solid waste collection in the Czech Republic




Kättesaadav alates


Chotovinský, O.
Altmann, V.

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The article deals with the issues of biodegradable municipal solid waste management system, focusing on its separate collection. The two basic locations are compared – rural area and urban area. The emphasis is put on evaluation of individual biodegradable municipal solid waste collections development from 2012 to 2015. Individual technological performances of collection are also observed and evaluated (e.g. biodegradable municipal solid waste production, development of container quantity and collection frequency). The observed data also verify the efficiency of biodegradable municipal solid waste management compared to relative representation of this waste in rest municipal solid waste, which is produced in both locations. Also referential locations without separate biodegradable municipal solid waste collection are observed for evaluation. There are one locality of an urban area and one rural area too. The decrease of biodegradable municipal solid waste in rest of municipal solid waste at the basic rural researched area indicates that the directive on landfills could be followed with well-chosen technological parameters of separate biodegradable municipal solid waste collection at a given site. A statistically significant impact of separate biodegradable municipal solid waste production on relative amount of the biodegradable part in rest municipal solid waste has been demonstrated at the side of this basic rural area.




municipal solid waste, rest municipal solid waste, biodegradable municipal solid waste, biodegradable municipal solid waste collection, material analysis, articles

