ATV metsanduses ja kasutamine puidu kokkuveol
Kättesaadav alates
Nõmme, Argo
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ATV-d peetakse loodussõbralikuks masinaks oma väiksuse tõttu, samas on võimalik
masinaga ära teha palju tööd ja ka kasutada masinat rekreatsiooniks. Töö eesmärgiks on
tutvustada ATV-ga metsanduses töötamise võimalusi ja anda ülevaade autori tehtud
uuringust pakkude kokkuveol.
Töö koostamisel kasutatud andmed pärinevad internetist, raamatutest, elektroonilisest
kirjavahetustest ning uurimuse andmed on kogutud töö enda autori poolt. Uurimus
toimus erametsas, kus koguti puitmaterjali küttepuudeks.
Töö tulemusena selgus ATV võimalik potentsiaal erametsanduses kasutamiseks
väikemaaomanikel. Samas sai kinnitatud fakt, et ATV soetamine ning kasutamine on
võrreldav põllumajandustraktoriga seotud kulutustega.
ATV tootlikkus vajaks uurimusi kasutades rohkem masina potentsiaali seda näiteks
vähendades inimtööjõu osakaalu kasutades hüdrotõstukit. Sealjuures selgitades välja ka
masina vastupidavuse suurema koormuse juures.
ATV is considered as a nature-friendly machine because of its smallness but it is also possible to do a lot of work with it and in the meantime use it for recreation. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the possibilities of ATV in forestry and to give a review of the author study in wood forwarding. The data used in this thesis is collected from the internet, books, e-mails and the study data is collected by the thesis author. The study was held in private forest, where the wood material was collected for firewood purpose. As the study showed that there is a possible potential for using ATV in private forestry. Also the fact that the cost of using ATV can be compared with the cost of farm tractor was confirmed. The productivity of the ATV is in need of more studies of the potential of the machine for example by lowering the manpower by using a hydraulic lift. And with that it is possible to see the durability of the machine in bigger amount of work.
ATV is considered as a nature-friendly machine because of its smallness but it is also possible to do a lot of work with it and in the meantime use it for recreation. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the possibilities of ATV in forestry and to give a review of the author study in wood forwarding. The data used in this thesis is collected from the internet, books, e-mails and the study data is collected by the thesis author. The study was held in private forest, where the wood material was collected for firewood purpose. As the study showed that there is a possible potential for using ATV in private forestry. Also the fact that the cost of using ATV can be compared with the cost of farm tractor was confirmed. The productivity of the ATV is in need of more studies of the potential of the machine for example by lowering the manpower by using a hydraulic lift. And with that it is possible to see the durability of the machine in bigger amount of work.