Eesti kuivendussüsteemide keskkonnarajatised. Seisundi uuring
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Must, Meelis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maaparanduse eesmärk on suurendada ja kindlustada põllumajandustootmist. Euroopa
Liidus on põllumajandussektori üleüldise tegutsemise aluseks ühine
põllumajanduspoliitika, mis koosneb otsetoetustest ja maaelu arengu toetustest. Käesolev
magistritöö on osa Maaeluministeeriumi poolt tellitud uuringust, hõlmates olemasolevate
rajatiste seisundi hinnangut.
Töö eesmärk on uurida ajavahemikul 2008–2019 rajatud hajukoormuse levikut ohjavate
maaparandussüsteemi keskkonnakaitserajatisi. Uuring koosnes projektide tehnilisest
analüüsist ja välitöödest. Uuringu põhjal antakse erinevate rajatistüüpide otstarbekuse,
nõuetekohasuse, tehnilise seisundi ja toimimise efektiivsuse hinnang.
Töös käsitletud keskkonnarajatiste hindamiskriteeriumiteks võeti põllumajandusministri
määrused ning maaparandusrajatiste tüüpjoonised. Otstarbekust ja nõuetekohasust
analüüsiti projektide seletuskirjades, töömahu tabelites ja joonistel esitatud info alusel,
arvestades nende ehitamise ajal kehtinud nõudeid. Tehnilist seisundit hinnati välitöödega,
toimimise efektiivsusele anti hinnang välitööde ja projektianalüüsi tulemusena.
Kuigi keskkonnarajatised on projekteeritud arvestades projekteerimisnorme või
juhendites toodud nõudeid, siis välitööd näitasid, et enamik rajatisi ei tööta efektiivselt.
Nimetatud ebaefektiivsuse põhipõhjuseks on rajatiste hooldamise puudulikkus ja
projekteerimisnormides olevad liiga väikesed nõuded rajatiste suurustele.
The aim of land improvement systems is to increase and secure agricultural production. In the European Union, the overall operation of the agricultural sector is based on the common agricultural policy, which consists of direct payments and support for rural development. This master's thesis is part of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Rural Affairs, which includes an assessment of the condition of existing facilities. The aim of the work is to study the environmental protection facilities of the land reclamation system that control the pollution of nonpoint source built in the period 2008– 2019. The study consisted of technical analysis of projects and fieldwork. The study provides an assessment of the expediency, adequacy, technical condition and operational efficiency of the different types of facilities. The evaluation criteria of the environmental facilities discussed in the work were the regulations of the Minister of Agriculture and the standard blueprints of land improvement facilities. The expediency and adequacy were analyzed on the basis of the information provided in the project explanatory notes, workload tables and blueprints, taking into account the requirements in force at the time of their construction. The technical condition was assessed by fieldwork, and the efficiency of the facility was assessed as a result of fieldwork and project analysis. Although the environmental facilities have been designed with the design standards or instruction guidelines in mind, the fieldwork has shown that most facilities are not operating efficiently. The main reasons for this inefficiency are the lack of maintenance of the facilities and the too small requirements for the size of the facilities in the design standards.
The aim of land improvement systems is to increase and secure agricultural production. In the European Union, the overall operation of the agricultural sector is based on the common agricultural policy, which consists of direct payments and support for rural development. This master's thesis is part of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Rural Affairs, which includes an assessment of the condition of existing facilities. The aim of the work is to study the environmental protection facilities of the land reclamation system that control the pollution of nonpoint source built in the period 2008– 2019. The study consisted of technical analysis of projects and fieldwork. The study provides an assessment of the expediency, adequacy, technical condition and operational efficiency of the different types of facilities. The evaluation criteria of the environmental facilities discussed in the work were the regulations of the Minister of Agriculture and the standard blueprints of land improvement facilities. The expediency and adequacy were analyzed on the basis of the information provided in the project explanatory notes, workload tables and blueprints, taking into account the requirements in force at the time of their construction. The technical condition was assessed by fieldwork, and the efficiency of the facility was assessed as a result of fieldwork and project analysis. Although the environmental facilities have been designed with the design standards or instruction guidelines in mind, the fieldwork has shown that most facilities are not operating efficiently. The main reasons for this inefficiency are the lack of maintenance of the facilities and the too small requirements for the size of the facilities in the design standards.
Vesiehituse ja veekaitse õppekaval
magistritööd, settebassein, puhastuslodu, seadedrenaaž, tuletõrjevee tiik