Ülevaade: kahkjad ehk näivleetunud mullad Eestimaa muldkattes
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
In actual review the main morphological properties of the Pseudopodzolic soils and the principles of their dividing into soil species (identified by soil genesis) and varieties (divided on the basis of soil texture) are treated. The compiling of actual review is caused by the fact that Pseudopodzolic soil was elected by the Estonian Soil Science Society for Estonian year 2018 soil. In the introductory part the special attention is paid to the problems connected with naming of these soils. Although the soil introducing is done after Estonian Soil Classification principles, for characterization of soil properties and functioning the qualifiers of WRB are largely used in it. In the work the two layers of soil (1) the soil humus cover (pro humus form) or humipedon and (2) soil cover or solum as a whole are treated separately. The data on soil properties are presented separately as well for arable and forest soils giving their comparative analysis and dealing with the changes in soil properties in connection with land use change. Substantial part of the work is consecrated (1) to the soil plant cover and to the Enchytraeidae living in forest soils' humipedon, (2) to the soil productivity and peculiarities of their usage in agriculture and forestry, and (3) to the distribution of Pseudopodzolic soils in Estonian soil cover and to the association of Pseudopodzolic soils with other soil species.
Saabunud / Received 23.10.2018 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 20.11.2018 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 25.11.2018 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Raimo Kõlli e-mail: raimo.kolli@emu.ee
Saabunud / Received 23.10.2018 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 20.11.2018 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 25.11.2018 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Raimo Kõlli e-mail: raimo.kolli@emu.ee
pseudopodzolic soil, Estonian year 2018 soil, Enchytraeidae, soil properties, humus cover type (pro humus form), articles