Arendustegevusega kaasnevate kohustuste täitmine Kambja valla Räni aleviku elamurajoonide näitel
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Magistritöö eesmärk on kirjeldada, kuidas on toimunud arendustegevusega kaasnevate
kohustuste täitmine Kambja valla Räni aleviku uute elamurajoonide näitel. Magistritöö
raames käsitletakse arenduskohustuste täitmise regulatsioone ning erinevate tegurite mõju
elamurajoonide hoonestusele. Teoreetiline osa on koostatud nii Eesti kui rahvusvaheliste
allikate alusel. Püstitatud eesmärgi saavutamiseks on valitud kvalitatiivne meetod.
Tulemuste osa koostamiseks kasutati juhtumiuuringu meetodit, mis seisnes konkreetses
asumis elamurajoonide kohta andmete kogumisest ja nende töötlemisest.
Töö käigus uuriti kokku 215 elamumaa katastriüksust Kambja valla Räni aleviku üheksas
uues elamurajoonis, millest 77% on hoonestatud. Suurim hoonestuse protsent on Saareääre
tänaval, Kivimi tänaval ja Jaani teel. Nendes elamurajoonides on elanikele tagatud
tolmuvaba tee. Lisaks uuriti rajoonide asukoha mõju nende hoonestuse protsendile.
Räniküla tänav, kus arenduskohustused on täitamata ning hoonestuse protsent on üks
madalamatest, on Tartu kesklinnale ja Lõunakeskusele kõige lähedamal. Kõige kaugemal
asuvad Jaani ja Kaval-Antsu elamurajoonid, kus on rajatud kohustuslik taristu, kuid
hoonestuse osakaal on erinev. Töö autor jõudis järelduseni, et kõige vähem arendamata
elamumaad on Räni aleviku väiksemates elamurajoonides, lisaks tihedam hoonestus on
elamurajoonides, kus on tehtud tolmuvaba tee ja tänavavalgustus. Kaugus Tartu kesklinnast
ega Lõunakeskusest ei ole uuritud piirkondades avaldanud mõju arendatud
elamumaaüksuste arvu.
Räni alevikus asuva Jaani tee elamurajoonis on tänaseks täidetud kõik arenduskohustused.
Ehitus selles elamurajoonis algas 2006. aastal. Ülenurme Vallavalitsus sõlmis ettevõttega
OÜ ABV Linnaarendus ehitusseaduse § 13 kohaselt arenduslepingu, mille kohaselt kohalik
omavalitsus andis arendajale oma kohustused üle. Aastal 2008 algatati ettevõtte
pankrotimenetlus, kuna arendajal ei olnud võimalik finantseerida enam ehitustöid. Sellega
tekkis olukord, kus kinnisvara omanikud pidid ise finantseerima tolmuvaba tee ehitust.
Jaani tee elamurajooni näide kinnitab, et paraku peavad praktikas kinnisvara omanikud oma
kuludega taristu valmis ehitama selleks, et tagada head elukeskkonda.
The aim of this master´s thesis is to describe the how the obligations concomitant with developmental activity were fulfilled on example of Räni borough in Kambja parish. This master´s thesis deals with how developmental obligations are regulated in new living areas and how different factors affect the building activity in these areas. To answer established research questions theoretical background based on various sources (Estonian and international) was composed. To reach the declared goal the quantitative method was applied in this work. More specifically, the case of study method, was implied: the data concerning specific living area was gathered and processed. The study of 215 residential cadastral units in nine new districts in Räni borough showed that 77% were built up. The highest build-up level was on Saareääre street, Kivimi street, and Jaani street: In these districts, the residents were provided with a dust-free road. In addition, the effect of district location on the level of its build up was studied. The Räniküla street, where the developmental obligations have not been fulfilled, has the lowest percentage of build-up plots and is the closest district to the centre of Tartu and Lõunakeskus shopping centre (located at the edge of the town). In addition, the most distant living areas, Jaani and Kaval-Antsu, where the obligatory infrastructure is developed, have different levels of built-up plots. The author of this thesis concluded that the lowest level of undeveloped land is in the smallest districts of Räni parish. In addition, the districts that have dust-free roads and street lights are built up denser. The distance from the centre of Tartu and Lõunakeskus did not affect the amount of the developed plots. Jaani tee living area has all the developmental obligations fulfilled. The development of this living area started in 2006. According to Planning Act § 131 and Building Act § 13 – valid until 2015 – Ülenurme local government and OÜ ABV Linnaarendus (Jaani tee developer), signed a development agreement, based on which the local government handed its obligations over to the developer. At the beginning of 2008, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated due to the inability of the developer to finance the construction works. In this situation, the property owners were forced to finance the construction of the dust-free road. The example of Jaani tee living area confirms that in real life, residents often have to spend their own funds to create a decent living environment.
The aim of this master´s thesis is to describe the how the obligations concomitant with developmental activity were fulfilled on example of Räni borough in Kambja parish. This master´s thesis deals with how developmental obligations are regulated in new living areas and how different factors affect the building activity in these areas. To answer established research questions theoretical background based on various sources (Estonian and international) was composed. To reach the declared goal the quantitative method was applied in this work. More specifically, the case of study method, was implied: the data concerning specific living area was gathered and processed. The study of 215 residential cadastral units in nine new districts in Räni borough showed that 77% were built up. The highest build-up level was on Saareääre street, Kivimi street, and Jaani street: In these districts, the residents were provided with a dust-free road. In addition, the effect of district location on the level of its build up was studied. The Räniküla street, where the developmental obligations have not been fulfilled, has the lowest percentage of build-up plots and is the closest district to the centre of Tartu and Lõunakeskus shopping centre (located at the edge of the town). In addition, the most distant living areas, Jaani and Kaval-Antsu, where the obligatory infrastructure is developed, have different levels of built-up plots. The author of this thesis concluded that the lowest level of undeveloped land is in the smallest districts of Räni parish. In addition, the districts that have dust-free roads and street lights are built up denser. The distance from the centre of Tartu and Lõunakeskus did not affect the amount of the developed plots. Jaani tee living area has all the developmental obligations fulfilled. The development of this living area started in 2006. According to Planning Act § 131 and Building Act § 13 – valid until 2015 – Ülenurme local government and OÜ ABV Linnaarendus (Jaani tee developer), signed a development agreement, based on which the local government handed its obligations over to the developer. At the beginning of 2008, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated due to the inability of the developer to finance the construction works. In this situation, the property owners were forced to finance the construction of the dust-free road. The example of Jaani tee living area confirms that in real life, residents often have to spend their own funds to create a decent living environment.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, hoonestus, arendustegevus, elamuarendused