Alternatiivproteiinid inimeste toitumises läbi entomofaagia
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Reissar, Rihard
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Eesti Maaülikool
Töö võtab vaatluse alla putukatest toitumise ja putukate tööstusliku tootmise
alternatiivina kariloomadele. Toiduks kasutatavaid putukaid meie aladel veel ei
kasvatata ja tehnoloogiaid selleks arendatud ei ole. Töö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada
eestlaste valmisolek tarbida putukatest toodetud toite ja toiduaineid. Uurimusest
selgus, et eestlased on putukatest toitumisse pigem positiivselt meelestatud ja on nõus
putukatest toodetud toite ka tulevikus proovima. Küll aga piirab võimalusi tooraine
kättesaadavus, hind ja inimeste teadlikkus putukatest toite valmistada. Teema vajab
kindlasti edasi uurimist ja on tulevikus potentsiaalne ettevõtmine.
The study covers insect nutritional value and industrial production as an alternative for livestock. Insects are not yet produces for food in our area and technologies for that purpose have not yet been developed. The aim of the study was to find out the willingness of Estonians to consume insects-based foods and foodstuffs. The study revealed that Estonians are rather positive about insects as food and are willing to try insect-based foods in the future. However, the availability of raw materials, their prices, and people's awareness of insect nutrition is a limiting factor. The topic certainly needs to be further studied and insect production undertaken in the future.
The study covers insect nutritional value and industrial production as an alternative for livestock. Insects are not yet produces for food in our area and technologies for that purpose have not yet been developed. The aim of the study was to find out the willingness of Estonians to consume insects-based foods and foodstuffs. The study revealed that Estonians are rather positive about insects as food and are willing to try insect-based foods in the future. However, the availability of raw materials, their prices, and people's awareness of insect nutrition is a limiting factor. The topic certainly needs to be further studied and insect production undertaken in the future.
Bakalaureusetöö Vee- ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia erialal
bakalaureusetööd, entomoloogia, putuktoitumine, põllumajandusloomad, uuendtoit