Vesiniku mõju diiselmootori põlemisprotsessile
Kättesaadav alates
Jüriöö, Rainer
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesolev bakalaureusetöö keskendub põhiliselt vesiniku ja diislikütuse põlemisprotsessi andmete analüüsile. Vesinik on puhas energiaallikas, mida on võimalik õigete protsesside käigus süsinikuneutraalselt toota. Vesiniku kasutamisel diiselmootori kütusena on veel aga palju probleeme, andes sellega aluse teema süvitsi uurimiseks. Antud töö raames analüüsitakse täpsemalt diiselmootori põlemisprotsessi vesiniku ja diislikütuse kasutamisel. Analüüsi tulemusel saadakse teada, millised on erinevused põlemisfaasides diislikütuse ja vesiniku koos kasutamisel. See on oluline, et tuleviku katsete puhul oleks teada, mida on oodata vesiniku kasutamisel põlemisprotsessist. Analüüs on seega vajalik, et kaitsta katsemootorit. Tulemusena selgus, et vesiniku põlemisprotsess on oluliselt kiirem võrreldes diislikütusega. Töö teema on aktuaalne ja võimaldab magistriõppes antud teemat edasi käsitleda. Selleks on võimalik koostada erinevaid katseid, neid analüüsida ning võrrelda katsetulemusi.
This bachelor’s thesis focuses on hydrogen and diesel fuel combustion process analysis. Hydrogen is clean energy source that can be produced in a carbon-neutral manner through the right processes. However, there are still many problems with the use of hydrogen as fuel for a diesel engine, thus providing a basis for in-depth research on the topic. Within the context of this work, the combustion process of a diesel engine using hydrogen and diesel fuel is analysed in more detail. As a result of the analysis, it turns out what the differences in the combustion phases are when diesel fuel and a mixture of diesel fuel and hydrogen are used together. It is important for future experiments to know what to expect from the combustion process when using hydrogen. Analysis is therefore necessary to protect the test engine. As a result, it turned out that the combustion process of hydrogen is significantly faster compared to diesel fuel. The relevance of this work provides an option for further analysis and experimental of this topic in a master’s degree study.
This bachelor’s thesis focuses on hydrogen and diesel fuel combustion process analysis. Hydrogen is clean energy source that can be produced in a carbon-neutral manner through the right processes. However, there are still many problems with the use of hydrogen as fuel for a diesel engine, thus providing a basis for in-depth research on the topic. Within the context of this work, the combustion process of a diesel engine using hydrogen and diesel fuel is analysed in more detail. As a result of the analysis, it turns out what the differences in the combustion phases are when diesel fuel and a mixture of diesel fuel and hydrogen are used together. It is important for future experiments to know what to expect from the combustion process when using hydrogen. Analysis is therefore necessary to protect the test engine. As a result, it turned out that the combustion process of hydrogen is significantly faster compared to diesel fuel. The relevance of this work provides an option for further analysis and experimental of this topic in a master’s degree study.
Tehnika- ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, diislikütus, vesinik, põlemine, süüteviivis, energia eraldumine, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), energiavarustus, alternatiivenergia