Mikrokontrollerite ja Raspberry Pi kasutamine nutikate kodude energiakasutuse optimeerimisel
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Kodumajapidamiste elektrienergia lõpptarbimine on viimase paarikümne aastaga tõusnud, elektriseadmete arvulise kasvu ning elektrifitseerimise tulemusena. Energiatarbimise vähendamiseks on vaja luua innovaatilisi lahendusi. Bakalaureusetöö raames uuriti nutikaid kodusid, Raspberry Pi-d, ESP8266 mikrokontrollereid, Home Assistant tarkvara ning kodumajapidamiste energiatarbimist. Saadud teadmistega loodi Raspberry Pi ja mikrokontrollerite baasil toimiv nutika kodu süsteem, mille eesmärgiks on kodumajapidamise energiakasutuse optimeerimine. Nutika kodu süsteem loodi mudelina, mitte reaalse kodu paigaldusena. Sellegi poolest imiteerib mudel reaalset nutikat kodu. Nutika kodu süsteem juhib automaatselt küttesüsteemi ning ühte elektriseadme pistikupesa. Küttesüsteemi juhtimisel loodi lahendus, mis säästab energiat sellega, et kodust eemal olles soojendatakse ruume tavalisest vähem. Elektriseadme pistikupesa juhitakse vastavalt elektrihinnale. Tarkvaraliselt saadakse Nord Pool börsihinnast kõige madalam elektrihind, mille ajal lülitab süsteem pistikupesa aktiivseks. Lisaks loodi voolutrafot kasutades lahendus, mis võimaldab reaalajas jälgida kodu elektritarbimist. Lõpetuseks katsetati loodud süsteemi, mille käigus selgus, et loodud süsteem toimis korrektselt ning eesmärkidele vastavalt. Edaspidistes uuringutes võiks pakutud lahenduse energia optimeerimise tõhusust analüüsida.
The usage of electrical energy in residential households has increased within the last decades because of the increase in electrical devices and electrification. To decrease the amount of energy used, innovative solutions are needed. In this bachelor’s thesis, research was done on smart homes, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 microcontrollers, Home Assistant software and energy usage in residential households. With this newly gained knowledge, a smart home system was created by using Raspberry Pi and microcontrollers to optimize energy usage in residential households. The smart home system was created as a model that imitates an actual smart home. The smart home system automatically controls a heating system and a socket for electrical devices. Control of the heating system was created as a solution that saves energy by keeping the rooms cooler than usual when nobody is home, this way less heating is needed. Control of the socket for electrical devices was created so that the smart home software can recognize the cheapest hour from the Nord Pool electricity exchange and activate the socket only during that hour. A current transformer was used to enable real-time monitoring of the energy usage in the smart home. Finally, tests were done to ensure that the system was functioning properly, which it did. In the future research can be done to analyze the energy savings of the proposed system.
The usage of electrical energy in residential households has increased within the last decades because of the increase in electrical devices and electrification. To decrease the amount of energy used, innovative solutions are needed. In this bachelor’s thesis, research was done on smart homes, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 microcontrollers, Home Assistant software and energy usage in residential households. With this newly gained knowledge, a smart home system was created by using Raspberry Pi and microcontrollers to optimize energy usage in residential households. The smart home system was created as a model that imitates an actual smart home. The smart home system automatically controls a heating system and a socket for electrical devices. Control of the heating system was created as a solution that saves energy by keeping the rooms cooler than usual when nobody is home, this way less heating is needed. Control of the socket for electrical devices was created so that the smart home software can recognize the cheapest hour from the Nord Pool electricity exchange and activate the socket only during that hour. A current transformer was used to enable real-time monitoring of the energy usage in the smart home. Finally, tests were done to ensure that the system was functioning properly, which it did. In the future research can be done to analyze the energy savings of the proposed system.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, nutikas kodu, energiakasutus, mikrokontroller, Raspberry Pi, Home Assistant