Teravilja, õli- ja valgukultuuride kasvatusega tegelevate Eesti ettevõtete tasuvaim tootmissuund ning majanduslikult optimaalne kasvupind perioodil 2010–2018
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärk oli analüüsida teravilja, õli- ja valgukultuuride tootmistüüpi kuuluvate
Eesti ettevõtete tasuvaimat tootmissuunda ning majanduslikult optimaalset kasvupinda
perioodil 2010–2018. Võrreldavad tootmissuunad oli mahe- ja tavatootmine. Analüüsi
läbiviimiseks kasutati Põllumajandusuuringute Keskus FADN andmekogu. Üldised andmed
tava ja mahe tootmissuundade ning teravilja, õli- ja valgukultuuride kasvatuse kohta koguti
statistikaameti kodulehelt. Koostati ülevaade varasematest sarnastest uurimustöödest ning
nende tulemustest ja kasutatud metoodikatest. Töös selgitati välja erinevused mahe ja tava
tootmissuuna teravilja, õli- ja valgukultuure kasvatavate ettevõtete vahel ning maakasutuse
alusel optimaalsem suurus tasvuse saavutamisel. Magistritöö empiirilise analüüsi tulemusena
selgus, et ettevõtete tasvusnäitajad on mahetootmisel kõrgemad kui tavatootmisel. Lisaks
selgus, et majanduslikult optimaalne ettevõtte suurus maakasutuse alusel on mahetootmise
suunal pindala vahemikus 150–224,9 hektarit ning tavatootmise puhul vahemikus 225–349,9
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the most profitable production direction of Estonian companies engaged in the cultivation of cereals, oilseeds and protein crops and the economically optimal growing area in the period 2010–2018. The FADN database of the Agricultural Research Center was used for the analysis. General data on the cultivation of conventional and organic cereals, oil and protein crops were collected on the website of Statistics Estonia. An overview of previous similar research works and their results and used methodologies was compiled. The differences between organic and conventional cereals, oil and protein crops and in size groups based on land use were identified. As a result of the empirical analysis of the master's thesis, it became clear that organic production is higher than conventional production in terms of the profitability indicators used in the work. In addition, it was found that the economically optimal size of the holding in terms of land use is between 150 and 224.9 hectares for organic production and between 225 and 349.9 hectares for conventional production.
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the most profitable production direction of Estonian companies engaged in the cultivation of cereals, oilseeds and protein crops and the economically optimal growing area in the period 2010–2018. The FADN database of the Agricultural Research Center was used for the analysis. General data on the cultivation of conventional and organic cereals, oil and protein crops were collected on the website of Statistics Estonia. An overview of previous similar research works and their results and used methodologies was compiled. The differences between organic and conventional cereals, oil and protein crops and in size groups based on land use were identified. As a result of the empirical analysis of the master's thesis, it became clear that organic production is higher than conventional production in terms of the profitability indicators used in the work. In addition, it was found that the economically optimal size of the holding in terms of land use is between 150 and 224.9 hectares for organic production and between 225 and 349.9 hectares for conventional production.
Ökonoomika ja ettevõtluse õppekaval
magistritööd, mahepõllumajandus, tootmine, teravili, tasuvus