Eesti aasta 2024 mullaks valitud leostunud gleimulla tutvustus
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Eesti Maaülikool
The name of Estonian year 2024 soil by Estonian soil classification is the Leached gley soil, but by the WRB system Mollic Gleysol. By its properties the Leached gley soil belongs to the permanently wet with calcareous subsoil mineral soils group. The typical its profile fabric’s formula is (O)–AT–BwG–CG. On natural areas these soils’ humus covers (or humipedons) belong by the local classification to the wet forest-mull type, on the base of which on drained arable areas mostly the humus covers with eutrophic raw humuous type were formed. In diminishing order of these soils textures is - loams 44% > sands 22% > loamy sands 17% > clays 17%. The position of Leached gley soils among other soil species is analysed by mean of Estonian normally developed soil matrix. The Leached gley soils form approximately 13% from the total Estonian soil cover and 40% from the total area of wet soils. Most of Leached gley soils with loamy texture were drained and are used in quality of arable lands. Besides the analysis of Leached gley soil profiles’ fabric, humus status and texture, the different chemical-physical properties separately for forest and arable soils are presented. By the comparative analysis of arable and forest soils’ properties and pedo-ecological functioning regularities, the changes happened with land use changes in Leached gley soils are elucidated. It reveals that formed on Leached gley soils’ forests and grasslands plant cover composition depends in great extent from the properties of soils. Consequently in the management of arable Leached gley soils their suitability for agricultural crops should be taken also into account.
Leached gley soil, year 2024 soil of Estonia, Mollic Gleysol, matrix of normal soils, humus cover or humipedon, articles