Kurgi tekstuuri hindamise metoodika väljatöötamine ja selle rakendamine erinevalt töödeldud kurkidele
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli välja töötada kurgi tekstuuri hindamiseks metoodika ja selle rakendamine erinevalt töödeldud kurkidele. Alaeesmärgina uuriti erinevate hoiutingimuste mõju kurkide tekstuurile. Kurkide tekstuuri iseloomustamiseks mõõdetakse koore ja viljaliha purustamiseks vajaminevat energiat. Purustamisenergia määramiseks kasutati tekstuurianalüsaatorit TMS-PRO. Torkesilinder läbimõõduga 1,2 mm on sobiv katsete läbiviimiseks. Kurgi viilu abil määrati viljaliha purustusenergia kolmest eri kohast ja tervet kurki kasutati kurgikoore purustusenergia määramiseks (samuti kolm erinevat määramis kohta, joonis 5). Lisaks mõõdeti koore ja viljaliha purustamiseks vajaminevat maksimaalset jõudu.
Uurimusel tehti koostööd AS Põltsamaa Felixiga.
Kurkide marineerimisel katsetati erinevaid blanžeerimistemperatuure ( 70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC) ja kuumtöötlemise režiime (80 ºC 20 minutit ja 85 ºC 15 minutit) ning kurke säilitati erinevate partiidena enne töötlemist sise-ja välistingimustes.
Teostati ka kurkide sensoorne analüüs, selgitamaks purustusjõu ja sensoorse hinnangu
vahelisi seoseid.
Tulemustest selgus, et kõige sobilikum on kurkide blanžeerimistemperatuur 80 °C. Kõrgematel temperatuuridel oli kurkide koor nätskem ja madalamatel temperatuuridel oli kurkide koor liialt kõva, mis ei meeldinud sensoorsel analüüsil assessoritele. Enim meeldis inimestele välitingimustes hoitud kurgid, mis olid ka blanžeerimata, aga see sõltus juba kuumtöötlusrežiimist.
Veel katsetati erinevaid kuumtöötlusrežiime. Katsetes kasutasime kahte režiimi, kus kurke töödeldi 80 °C juures 20 minutit ja 85 °C juures 15 minutit. Kurgid olid töödeldud autoklaavimis- ja pastöriseerimisrežiimil. Hindajatele meeldis enam 85 °C juures 15 minutit kuumtöödeldud kurgid.
Hea kurk on see, mis krõmpsub hamba all ja koor ei ole liialt tugev ja nätske.
1. 80 °C vees blanžeeritud kurgid on kõige tugevama tekstuuriga. Koore purustusenergia oli võrreldes blanžeerimata kurkidega 58% suurem, mõju viljaliha tekstuurile oli väiksem.
2. Kõrgemat energiat ( koguenergia 87,15 mJ) oli vaja kulutada blanžeerimata kurkide (koor+ viljaliha) purustamiseks, mis oli töödeldud tehnoloogilisel režiimil 80 °C 20 minutit.
3. Erinevad hoiustamistingimused (sisetingimused, kus temperatuur >20 °C ja välitingimused, kus temperatuur <20 °C) põhjustavad kurkidel tekstuuri muutusi. Välitingimustes säilitatud kurkide koore ja viljaliha purustamiseks vajalik koguenergia on 1% väiksem kui sisetingimustes.
Otsest seost marineeritud kurkide tekstuuri parameetrite ja sensoorse hinnangu vahel ei leitud. Selleks on vaja läbi viia täiendavad katsed.
The processes were agreed about before the cucumber season using different ways of blanching and pasteurization. Cucumbers were prepared in summer because of the cucumber season. This way cucumbers became matured for the measurements performed in winter and the seasoning had enough time to give the proper flavours. Marinades were frequently tested, in case they would exceed established limits. Cucumbers were restored under different conditions for several days to learn how long it would take for cucumbers to become inedible. In order to measure with the texture analyzer the middle point of a cucumber had to be fixed. The texture analyzer measured the strength and energy, which was needed to break the cucumber peel. These measurements were carried out three times at different places. After that 3- cm slices were cut and the texture analyzer once again measured the strength and energy which was needed to break the cucumber flesh. For each cucumber there were 6 measurements: 3 cuts in the skin and 3 in the flesh. The obtained results were analyzed and graphs were drawn. A sensory analysis was also conducted when the panel evaluated and selected their favorites. Blanching tempearures were 70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC and heat treatment processes were 80 ºC 20 minutes and 85 ºC 15 minutes. Evaluators did not always like the strongest structure of cucumbers, which was shown by the texture analyzer because the peel was too hard. However, if the texture analyzer showed a strong structure, generally, it was also liked by the evaluators. The results showed that cucumbers which had blanched in 80 °C water were stronger texture, than 70°C and 90°C blanched cucumbers. Stronger texture of cucumbers were obtained in heat treatment process 80°C 20 minutes
The processes were agreed about before the cucumber season using different ways of blanching and pasteurization. Cucumbers were prepared in summer because of the cucumber season. This way cucumbers became matured for the measurements performed in winter and the seasoning had enough time to give the proper flavours. Marinades were frequently tested, in case they would exceed established limits. Cucumbers were restored under different conditions for several days to learn how long it would take for cucumbers to become inedible. In order to measure with the texture analyzer the middle point of a cucumber had to be fixed. The texture analyzer measured the strength and energy, which was needed to break the cucumber peel. These measurements were carried out three times at different places. After that 3- cm slices were cut and the texture analyzer once again measured the strength and energy which was needed to break the cucumber flesh. For each cucumber there were 6 measurements: 3 cuts in the skin and 3 in the flesh. The obtained results were analyzed and graphs were drawn. A sensory analysis was also conducted when the panel evaluated and selected their favorites. Blanching tempearures were 70 ºC, 80 ºC, 90 ºC and heat treatment processes were 80 ºC 20 minutes and 85 ºC 15 minutes. Evaluators did not always like the strongest structure of cucumbers, which was shown by the texture analyzer because the peel was too hard. However, if the texture analyzer showed a strong structure, generally, it was also liked by the evaluators. The results showed that cucumbers which had blanched in 80 °C water were stronger texture, than 70°C and 90°C blanched cucumbers. Stronger texture of cucumbers were obtained in heat treatment process 80°C 20 minutes
kurgi tekstuur, blanžeerimine, kuumtöötlusrežiim, koor, viljaliha, bakalaureusetööd