Ajaloolisest Tähtvere mõisast inspireeritud ala kujundamine Eesti Maaülikooli linnakusse
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Seppern, Mona
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti Maaülikooli linnak koos ühiselamute ja õppehoonetega paikneb kunagise Tähtvere
mõisa südamikus. Koha ajalugu ei ole aga tänases ülikoolilinnakus äratuntav – vähestest
säilinud mõisahoonetest on paljud ümber ehitatud ja sellega oma ajaloolise välimuse
kaotanud. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on leida seosed kunagise mõisasüdame
ja Maaülikooli tänase linnaku olemuse vahel ning pakkuda alale disain, mis tõstaks esile
paiga ajalugu ja looks linnaku keskmesse koosviibimiskohti. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks on
koostatud põhjalik kirjandusanalüüs. Lähtutud on ka paikvaatlustel kogutud andmetest ja
erinevate ajastuste kaartidest. Analüüsidest lähtuvalt on koostatud kogu projektala hõlmav
konseptsioon. Detailsem kujunduslahendus on loodud ajaloolise mõisa aida ümbrusele.
Kujundusprojekt muudab Maaülikooli linnaku keskmes asuva roheala ligipääsetavaks ja
meeldivaks puhkekohaks tudengitele, töötajatele kui ka teistele ala kasutajatele.
The campus of the Estonian University of Life Sciences with its dormitories and university buildings is located in the heart of the historic Tähtvere manor. However, the history of the place is not recognizable in today's campus - many of the few remaining manor buildings have been renovated and thus lost their historical appearance. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to find connections between the center of the former manor complex and today's campus of the University of Life Sciences, as well as to offer the area a design that would highlight the history of the place and create meeting places in the center of the campus. In order to achieve the goal, a thorough literature analysis has been prepared. The data collected during on-site inspections and maps of different times have also been used. Based on the analyzes, a project-wide concept has been developed. A more detailed design solution has been created for the area around the barn of the historic manor. The design project makes the green area in the center of the university campus an accessible and pleasant place to rest for all students, employees and other users of the area.
The campus of the Estonian University of Life Sciences with its dormitories and university buildings is located in the heart of the historic Tähtvere manor. However, the history of the place is not recognizable in today's campus - many of the few remaining manor buildings have been renovated and thus lost their historical appearance. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to find connections between the center of the former manor complex and today's campus of the University of Life Sciences, as well as to offer the area a design that would highlight the history of the place and create meeting places in the center of the campus. In order to achieve the goal, a thorough literature analysis has been prepared. The data collected during on-site inspections and maps of different times have also been used. Based on the analyzes, a project-wide concept has been developed. A more detailed design solution has been created for the area around the barn of the historic manor. The design project makes the green area in the center of the university campus an accessible and pleasant place to rest for all students, employees and other users of the area.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, mõisakompleks, ülikoolilinnak, maastikud, palimpsest, kujundusprojekt