Veiniviinamarjade kasvatamine Eestis ja uued perspektiivsed sordid sortimendi täiendamiseks
Kättesaadav alates
Roimann, Jaanus Johann
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Eesti Maaülikool
Alates 2021. aastast kuulub Eesti ametlikult Euroopa Liidu põhjapoolseimasse viinamarjakasvatusvööndisse A ning on alust arvata, et samasse vööndisse kuuluva Saksamaa sordid võiksid omada potentsiaali ka Eesti veinitööstuses. Antud uurimustöö põhieesmärk on kirjanduse põhjal analüüsida Eestis kasvatatavate sortide omadusi ning tuvastada perspektiivseid Saksamaa veiniviinamarjasorte Eestis kasvatamiseks. Töö on valminud teadusartiklite, ning tulenevalt uute ja vähelevinud sortide kohta leitava info piiratusest, ka mitteteaduslike erialaste allikate baasil. Sortide valikul olid eelistatud varasema valmimisega ja haiguskindlamad liikidevahelised PIWI hübriidid. Töös leiti, et Eesti veinitööstuses võiksid omada potentsiaali erinevad seenhaiguskindlad liikidevahelised aretised Saksamaalt. Näiteks varase valmimisega valgeviljalised sordid ‘Serena’ ja ‘Sibera’, ning keskvalmivad ‘Phoenix’, ‘Villaris’ ja ‘Helios’. Punaseviljalistest sortidest omavad perspektiivi varased sordid ‘Bolero’ ja ‘Calandro’ ning keskvalmivad sordid ‘Baron’, ‘Cabernet Cantor’, ‘Prior’ ja ‘Reberger’. Töös esitletud hilisema valmimisega sordid sobivad pigem katmikalal kasvatamiseks.
Since 2021 Estonia is an official member of Europian Union’s northenmost grape cultivation zone A and there is reason to suggest that german grape cultivars could hold potential in estonian wine industry as Germany belongs to the same zone. The major objective of this study is to analyze the qualities of cultivars cultivatable in Estonia and to discover new cutivars for cultivation and winemaking in Estonia. The study is based on science articles as well as on non-scientific material as information on newer and less common cultivars is highly limited. Early ripening and more disease resistant PIWI cultivars were prefered in the selection process. The study found the more disease resistant interspecies hybrids from Germany to hold the highest potential in Estonian wine industry. For example early ripening white cultivars such as ‘Serena’ and ‘Sibera’ and middle maturing ‘Phoenix’, ‘Villaris’ and ‘Helios’ could be used. Red cultivars such as early ripening ‘Bolero’ ja ‘Calandro’ and middle maturing cultivars ‘Baron’, ‘Cabernet Cantor’, ‘Prior’ and ‘Reberger’ were also found to be promising. The late maturing varieties presented in this study are more suitable for cultivation in greenhouse.
Since 2021 Estonia is an official member of Europian Union’s northenmost grape cultivation zone A and there is reason to suggest that german grape cultivars could hold potential in estonian wine industry as Germany belongs to the same zone. The major objective of this study is to analyze the qualities of cultivars cultivatable in Estonia and to discover new cutivars for cultivation and winemaking in Estonia. The study is based on science articles as well as on non-scientific material as information on newer and less common cultivars is highly limited. Early ripening and more disease resistant PIWI cultivars were prefered in the selection process. The study found the more disease resistant interspecies hybrids from Germany to hold the highest potential in Estonian wine industry. For example early ripening white cultivars such as ‘Serena’ and ‘Sibera’ and middle maturing ‘Phoenix’, ‘Villaris’ and ‘Helios’ could be used. Red cultivars such as early ripening ‘Bolero’ ja ‘Calandro’ and middle maturing cultivars ‘Baron’, ‘Cabernet Cantor’, ‘Prior’ and ‘Reberger’ were also found to be promising. The late maturing varieties presented in this study are more suitable for cultivation in greenhouse.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, hübriidid, PIWI sordid, Vitis spp.