Tööstuskanepi omaduste uurimine ja kasutusvõimalused ehituses
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Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida erinevate looduslike materjalide soojustehnilisi näitajaid.
Põhiliseks ülesandeks oli välja selgitada tööstusliku kanepiluu lisamisel, savi- või lubja
segusse, tekkiv positiivne mõju materjali omadustele. Katseteks valmistati erinevate
koostisosadega segud ja määrati nende soojuserijuhtivus. Katsed viidi läbi ka lahtise
kanepiluu ja kanepiplaadiga. Töö käigus määrati katsekehade mahukaalud ja veesisaldus.
Katsetamiseks tehti 11 katsekeha, millest 9 sisaldavad kanepit. Kõiki katseseeriad tehti vaid
üks kord, selleks, et saada maksimaalselt erinevaid tulemusi. Võrdluseks uuriti tavalise savi–
ja lubikrohvi omadusi. Soojuserijuhtivuse määramiseks kasutati kliimakambrit, temperatuuri
andureid ja soojusvoo plaati.
Katsetati ka savi– ja lubikrohviga kaetud kanepiplaadi käitumist otsese leegiga ja
koonkalorimeetri soojusvooga, mis ei ole teostatud küll kehtivate standardite järgi, kuid
annavad siiski olulist informatsiooni materjali tuletundlikkuse kohta, mida peaks tulevikus
veel uurima.
Edaspidistes töödes peaks katsetama veel tööstuslikust kanepist valmistatud materjalide
soojustus omadusi, sest Eestis puuduvad vastavasisulised uuringud ja seega ei ole ka antud
töös võrreldud segude omadusi teiste allikatega. Võrdluseks on toodud erinevate looduslike
materjalide omadused – saepuru, linaluu, pilliroomultš jne.
Tulevikus peaks läbi viima savi– või lubikrohviga kaetud loodusliku aluskatte standardi
EVS-EN 13823:2010 kohased katsed, mis puudutavad ehitustoodete tuletun
The objective of this Master’s thesis was to study the thermo-technical indicators of different natural materials. The main task was to clarify the positive effect of adding the shives of industrial hemp to the insulation qualities of clay and lime renderings and light weight blocks. For the tests, different mixtures were prepared and their thermal conductivity was measured. Tests were carried out also with loose hemp shives and hemp plates. In course of work, the thickness and water content of the test pieces was determined. For testing, 11 test pieces were made, 9 of which contained industrial hemp. All tests were carried out once, in order to get maximally different results. As a comparison, the qualities of regular clay and lime renderings were studied. A climate chamber, temperature sensors and heat flux plates were used to measure thermal conductivity. The behaviour of a hemp plate covered with clay and lime renderings in direct flames and the heat flux of the cone calorimeter were also tested. Methods were created to carry out the tests and the results provide important information on the reaction to fire of the material, which should be further studied in the future. The insulation qualities of construction materials containing industrial hemp should be further studied in the future, because such studies have not been carried out in Estonia and therefore, the qualities of mixtures used in this research paper have not been compared to other sources. As a comparison, the qualities of different natural materials – sawdust, flax shives, reed mulche etc - have been brought out. In the future, reaction to fire tests should be carried out for natural underlays covered with clay or lime renderings according to the standard EVS-EN 13823:2010, so that environmentally friendly insulation materials could be used referring to the fire safety requirements of the standard.
The objective of this Master’s thesis was to study the thermo-technical indicators of different natural materials. The main task was to clarify the positive effect of adding the shives of industrial hemp to the insulation qualities of clay and lime renderings and light weight blocks. For the tests, different mixtures were prepared and their thermal conductivity was measured. Tests were carried out also with loose hemp shives and hemp plates. In course of work, the thickness and water content of the test pieces was determined. For testing, 11 test pieces were made, 9 of which contained industrial hemp. All tests were carried out once, in order to get maximally different results. As a comparison, the qualities of regular clay and lime renderings were studied. A climate chamber, temperature sensors and heat flux plates were used to measure thermal conductivity. The behaviour of a hemp plate covered with clay and lime renderings in direct flames and the heat flux of the cone calorimeter were also tested. Methods were created to carry out the tests and the results provide important information on the reaction to fire of the material, which should be further studied in the future. The insulation qualities of construction materials containing industrial hemp should be further studied in the future, because such studies have not been carried out in Estonia and therefore, the qualities of mixtures used in this research paper have not been compared to other sources. As a comparison, the qualities of different natural materials – sawdust, flax shives, reed mulche etc - have been brought out. In the future, reaction to fire tests should be carried out for natural underlays covered with clay or lime renderings according to the standard EVS-EN 13823:2010, so that environmentally friendly insulation materials could be used referring to the fire safety requirements of the standard.
kanep, soojusjuhtivus, krohv, ehitus, magistritööd