Auto lisavarustuse katsestendi projekt
Kättesaadav alates
Järvala, Jan
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Käesoleva lõputöö teema valik lähtub OÜ Tarmetec vajadusest katsetada oma toodangu
vastupidavust vibratsioonile. OÜ Tarmetec on 1992. aastal asutatud masinaehitus ja
metallitööstusettevõte. OÜ Tarmetec projekteerib ja valmistab roostevabast terasest
lisavarustust erinevatele sõidukitele (maasturid, kaubikud, veoautod). Nende toodangu hulka
kuuluvad roostevabast torust kaitserauad, laternakandurid jms. Kõik need tooted alluvad oma
kasutuskeskkonnas sõiduki mootori ja teekonaruste poolt põhjustatud vibratsioonile.
Käesoleva projekti eesmärk oli projekteerida katsestend, mis simuleeriks seda vibratsiooni.
Projekt koosneb konstruktsiooni detaili- ja koostejoonistest ning stendi katsetusparameetrite
matemaatilistest arvutustest.
The project is based on the need of OÜ Tarmetec, to test their products ability to withstand vibration. OÜ Tarmetec is Estonian mechanical engineering and metalworking company, founded in 1992. They produce stainless steel car accessories for road vehicles, such as front bars and lamp holders. These products, in their natural usage, are subjects to vibration, caused by the vibration of vehicle engine and rough road condition. The aim for the project was to draw and calculate a test stand that simulates this vibration. During this project, a test stand was created and the proper working parameters were calculated.
The project is based on the need of OÜ Tarmetec, to test their products ability to withstand vibration. OÜ Tarmetec is Estonian mechanical engineering and metalworking company, founded in 1992. They produce stainless steel car accessories for road vehicles, such as front bars and lamp holders. These products, in their natural usage, are subjects to vibration, caused by the vibration of vehicle engine and rough road condition. The aim for the project was to draw and calculate a test stand that simulates this vibration. During this project, a test stand was created and the proper working parameters were calculated.