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Antud töö kirjanduse ülevaate osas käsitletakse süsivesikuid ja käärituse protsessis
kasutatavaid mikroobe. Põhjalikumalt on analüüsitud tööstuslikku fermentatsiooni, eriti
pärmide abil ning keskkonnatingimuste mõju pagaripärmide ainevahetusele. Kirjanduse
ülevaates analüüsitakse ka käärituse produkte ja nende kasutusvaldkondi. Ülevaatest selgus, et
avaldatud on väga ulatuslik materjal, milles orienteerumiseks tuleks õppetöös enam panustada
käärimise põhiparameetrite seirele ja vastavate mudelite koostamisele. Eksperimentaalses
osas nendest vajadustest ka lähtuti.
Töö eksperimentaalsest osast järeldus, et nii glükoosist kui ka sahharoosist toitelahuste
kasutamisel on CO2 moodustumine märgatavalt intensiivsem kui laktoosi lahuses. Kõige
intensiivsem oli CO2 moodustumine 10%-lises sahharoosi lahuses. Substraadis oleva
toitelahuse kontsentratsiooni suurendamisega kaasneb intensiivsema süsihappegaasi
moodustumine ja järelikult ka intensiivsem pärmirakkude elutegevus.
Etanooli moodustus kõige enam 10%-se sahharoosi lahuse kasutamisel. Mõnevõrra väiksem
oli käärimine glükoosilahuses. Laktoosi kasutamisel etanooli praktiliselt ei tekkinud.
Pärmimassi muutusi kääritamise käigus kajastab substraadi hägusus. See näitaja on kasutatav
käärimisel tekkiva pärmimassi koguse hindamiseks ja sellest mudelite koostamiseks.
Kõiki neid parameetreid saab lihtsalt ja operatiivselt registreerida Vernieri andmehõive
süsteemi abil. Kogutud andmestikust on mudelite koostamine kõige paindlikum
tarkvarapaketi EXCEL abil. Eksperimentaalse osa tulemused ja kogemused on rakendatavad
mikroobide ainevahetust käsitlevate laboratoorsete tööde väljatöötamisel. Pärmide kohta on
esitatud ka vastavad ettepanekud mõningate laboratoorsete tööde läbiviimiseks.
The carbohydrates and microbes used in fermentation process are dealt with in the literary overview of the research. The influence of environmental conditions on metabolism of bakery yeasts and industrial fermentation, particularly by yeasts, have been more deeply analyzed. Also, the products of fermentation and their fields of usage are analyzed in literature overview. The overview demonstrates a wide range of published materials, which should be orientated in through larger contribution on the monitoring of fermentation and compiling corresponding mathematical models. The experimental part proceeded form these requirements. The experimental part of the research concluded that the formation of CO2 is more intensive while using nutrient solutions from glucose and saccharose rather than in solution of lactose. The formation of CO2 was the most intensive in 10% solution of saccharose. The increase of the concentration of nutrient solution accompanies more intensive formation of carbon dioxide and more active vital activity of yeast cells, consequently. The largerst amount of ethanol was formed while 10% saccharose solution was used. Fermentation was a certain amount smaller in glucose solution. Ethanol wasn´t practically formed when lactose was used. The changes of yeast mass during the fermentation are reflected by the turbidity of the substrate. The indicator is used for estimating the amount of the yeast mass which forms during the fermentation, and for compiling models from it. All these parametres could be simply and operatively registered through data capture system Vernier. Software package EXCEL is the most useful for compiling the mathematical models from the collected list of data. The results and experiences of the experimental part could be used for elaboration the practicals concerning microbial metabolism. Appropriate proposals have been made for implementing some of the lab work and also concerning its content and methods.
The carbohydrates and microbes used in fermentation process are dealt with in the literary overview of the research. The influence of environmental conditions on metabolism of bakery yeasts and industrial fermentation, particularly by yeasts, have been more deeply analyzed. Also, the products of fermentation and their fields of usage are analyzed in literature overview. The overview demonstrates a wide range of published materials, which should be orientated in through larger contribution on the monitoring of fermentation and compiling corresponding mathematical models. The experimental part proceeded form these requirements. The experimental part of the research concluded that the formation of CO2 is more intensive while using nutrient solutions from glucose and saccharose rather than in solution of lactose. The formation of CO2 was the most intensive in 10% solution of saccharose. The increase of the concentration of nutrient solution accompanies more intensive formation of carbon dioxide and more active vital activity of yeast cells, consequently. The largerst amount of ethanol was formed while 10% saccharose solution was used. Fermentation was a certain amount smaller in glucose solution. Ethanol wasn´t practically formed when lactose was used. The changes of yeast mass during the fermentation are reflected by the turbidity of the substrate. The indicator is used for estimating the amount of the yeast mass which forms during the fermentation, and for compiling models from it. All these parametres could be simply and operatively registered through data capture system Vernier. Software package EXCEL is the most useful for compiling the mathematical models from the collected list of data. The results and experiences of the experimental part could be used for elaboration the practicals concerning microbial metabolism. Appropriate proposals have been made for implementing some of the lab work and also concerning its content and methods.
sahhariidid, fermentatsioon, pärm, kääritamine, mikroobid, andmehõive, bakalaureusetööd