Energiasäästliku pereelamu energiakasutuse analüüs
Kättesaadav alates
Merimaa, Mihkel
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Käesoleva bakalaureuse töö eesmärgiks oli analüüsida 1970. aastatel ehitatud pereelamu
energia tarbimist ning pakkuda välja lahendusi energia kasutuse parendamiseks. Järgnevalt
võib lühidalt välja tuua töö sisulisest osast saadud peamised tulemused, järeldused, hinnangud
ja soovitused.
1. Nagu näitasid arvutused oli enne maja soojustamist hoone seinte soojusläbikanne 0,458
2. Peale seinte soojustamist saavutati tänapäeval kehtivate energiatõhususe
miinimumnõuete määruse [1] normidele vastav soojusläbikanne 0,204 W
3. Seinte soojapidavus paranes üle kahe korra.
4. Analüüsi tulemusel on elamu aastane elektrienergia tarbimine 22568 kWh.
5. Elektrienergiale kulutati aastasel vaatluse perioodil 2467,39 eurot.
6. Kütteperioodi keskmine elektrienergia tarbimine kuus on 2606,3 kWh ning suvisel
perioodil, on see 864,8 kWh kuus.
7. Hoone kütmisele kulub talvekuudel keskmiselt 1741,5 kWh elektrienergiat ning
ülejäänud 865 kWh elektrienergiast kulub multimeedia, valgustuse ja muu kodu- ja
8. Kütte soojuse saamiseks tarbitud aastane energia oli 17700 kWh.
9. Nagu näitas analüüs on aastane hoone kogu energia tarbimine 40268 kWh.
10. Hoone energiatõhususarv 296,8 kWh/(m²·a) ja selle põhjal liigitub hoone F
11. Termografeerimine näitas, et hoone soojapidavuse parendamiseks tasuks vähendada
aknaraamide ja välisuste ümbruses esinevaid soojuslekkeid.
12. Kasutades automaatika lahendusi saaks vähendada elekterküttele kuluvaid kulutusi 28%
ja säästa aastas 3413,34 kWh energiat.
13. Hooneautomaatikaga elektri kokkuhoiult tekkiv rahaline sääst oleks aastas 373,1 €,
tasuvusajaga 4,5 aastat.
14. Valgustuselt aastas säästetav elektrienergia on 317,5 kWh.
15. Valgustuselt saavutatav aastane rahaline sääst on 34,71 €, tasuvusajaga 1,33 aastat.
16. Targa elektrivõrguga on võimalus vähendada aastast elektrienergia tarbimist 4807 kWh,
rahaline sääst 525,4 €.
In the past century, a lot of houses were built, that need to be renovated completely today by making them energy efficient. In this Bachelor’s thesis, the exploratory object is a typical one-family dwelling built in the 1970ies, which has been renovated and made more energy economical. The aim of the current thesis is to carry out a complete analysis of the energy consumption of the examined house and find out how it can be made more energy efficient. This paper gives an overview of contemporary energy saving laws, the test house, and all the renovations that have been done to the building. In the last section of the work, several improvement suggestions have been made. The electrical heating system has to be made more energy efficient by home automatics that could give 28% of energy saving. Another way to reduce costs is by installing energy saving lamps. The third really good way of reducing energy consumption is by the use of smart grid solution, which would give energy saving by 21,3%.
In the past century, a lot of houses were built, that need to be renovated completely today by making them energy efficient. In this Bachelor’s thesis, the exploratory object is a typical one-family dwelling built in the 1970ies, which has been renovated and made more energy economical. The aim of the current thesis is to carry out a complete analysis of the energy consumption of the examined house and find out how it can be made more energy efficient. This paper gives an overview of contemporary energy saving laws, the test house, and all the renovations that have been done to the building. In the last section of the work, several improvement suggestions have been made. The electrical heating system has to be made more energy efficient by home automatics that could give 28% of energy saving. Another way to reduce costs is by installing energy saving lamps. The third really good way of reducing energy consumption is by the use of smart grid solution, which would give energy saving by 21,3%.