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Comparison of two sowing systems for CTF using commercially available machinery




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The crop establishment belongs to crucial technology operations. The quality of sowing is the basis for obtaining efficiency of production. Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) is a technology which prevents excessive soil compaction and minimizes compacted area to the smallest possible area of perman ent traffic lanes (PTL). There were two sowing systems compared, namely row and band sowing when growing winter barley. Sowing parameters as well as all other field operations were identical for both compared systems. Measurements were conducted at an expe rimental field on non - compacted and traffic lane areas where CTF system was introduced in 2009, with 64% of compacted and 36% of non - compacted soil. Six crop parameters were analysed. Generally, it can be concluded that the band sowing performed better in yield (by 9.3% in non - compacted area; by 3.8 % in traffic lane), ear number (by 5.2% in non - compacted area; by 10.1% in traffic lane) and grain number (by 6.3% in non - compacted area; by 8.1% in traffic lane) as well as crop height (by 6.6% in non - compacted area; and by 2.4% in traffic lane). The only parameter performing worse was TGW with decrease of 6.6% in non - compacted area and decrease 2.8% in traffic lane for band system. Differences in number of grain per ear were negligible.




band sowing, drill, CTF, oil compaction, cereals, articles

