Neljanda vahutootmisliini rekonstrueerimine
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Ilumäe, Veiko
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk oli parandada aerosoolvahtude tootmisliini suutlikkust ja
tootlikkust. Töös muudeti ümber tootmisliini layout ja lisatakse juurde vajalikke
seadmeid. Täiendavalt keskendus autor Jaapani autotööstuses väljatöötatud SMED
metoodika rakendamisele tootmises. Autor saavutas senise 52 minuti asemel
tootevahetuse kestvuseks 11 minutit ning kõikide eelduste kohaselt on seda võimalik
veelgi parandada.
The aim of this Master's thesis was to improve the capacity and productivity of aerosol foam production line. The practical solution changed the production layout and necessary equipment were added. In addition, the author focuses on the implementation of the SMED methodology developed in the automotive industry in Japan. As a result of the solution, the product exchange takes 11 minutes instead 52 minutes before. It’s predicted to have more impact with further improvement.
The aim of this Master's thesis was to improve the capacity and productivity of aerosol foam production line. The practical solution changed the production layout and necessary equipment were added. In addition, the author focuses on the implementation of the SMED methodology developed in the automotive industry in Japan. As a result of the solution, the product exchange takes 11 minutes instead 52 minutes before. It’s predicted to have more impact with further improvement.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, vahtplastid, rekonstrueerimine, tootmine