Uuritava päikeseelektrijaama akusalvesti integreerimise analüüs
Kättesaadav alates
Kartau, Marleen
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Eesti Maaülikool
Uurimistöö eesmärk oli integreerida arvutuslikult akusalvestid uuritavasse
päikeseelektrijaama ja hinnata nende majanduslikku tasuvust. Keskenduti kahele
akutehnoloogiale: liitium-ioon (LiFePO4) ja AGM akudele, hinnates nende
investeerimiskulusid ja tasuvust. Analüüs näitas, et kumbki tehnoloogia ei suuda katta
investeeringukulusid ilma täiendavate toetuste või elektrihinna muutusteta, kuid akude
integreerimine vähendab sõltuvust elektrivõrgust ja võimaldab optimeerida genereeritud
energia kasutamist.
Analüüsiti tarbimise, müügi ja elektri ostu koguseid. Tulemused näitasid, et aprillist kuni
septembrini on võimalik täielikult vältida elektri juurde ostmist võrgust, saavutades
aastase kokkuhoiu umbes 270 €, kuid investeering ei tasu end ära akude eluea jooksul.
Autori hinnangul võivad elektrihinna tõus ja suurema võimsusega päikesepark parandada
tasuvust. Edasiste uuringute soovitused hõlmavad pakutavaid toetusmeetmeid,
laadimiskontrollerite integratsiooni ja akusalvestite hinna mõjutegureid.
The aim of this research was to computationally integrate battery storage systems into an existing solar power plant and evaluate their economic viability. The study focused on two battery technologies: lithium-ion (LiFePO4) and AGM batteries, evaluating their investment costs and profitability. The analysis showed that neither technology could cover the investment costs without additional subsidies or changes in electricity prices. However, integrating batteries and reducing grid dependency and optimizing the use of self-produced energy. Assuming the investment is made, consumption, sales and additional electricity purchase volumes were analyzed. The results showed that from April to September, it is possible to completely avoid purchasing electricity, achieving an annual saving of approximately €270, but the investment would not pay off during the lifetime of the batteries. The author suggests that an increase in electricity prices and larger solar power plants could improve profitability. Recommendations for further research include examining Kredex support measures, integration of charge controllers, and analyzing factors influencing battery storage prices.
The aim of this research was to computationally integrate battery storage systems into an existing solar power plant and evaluate their economic viability. The study focused on two battery technologies: lithium-ion (LiFePO4) and AGM batteries, evaluating their investment costs and profitability. The analysis showed that neither technology could cover the investment costs without additional subsidies or changes in electricity prices. However, integrating batteries and reducing grid dependency and optimizing the use of self-produced energy. Assuming the investment is made, consumption, sales and additional electricity purchase volumes were analyzed. The results showed that from April to September, it is possible to completely avoid purchasing electricity, achieving an annual saving of approximately €270, but the investment would not pay off during the lifetime of the batteries. The author suggests that an increase in electricity prices and larger solar power plants could improve profitability. Recommendations for further research include examining Kredex support measures, integration of charge controllers, and analyzing factors influencing battery storage prices.
Energiakasutuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, päikeseelektrijaam, taastuv energia, akusalvesti