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Experimental investigation of the work of a ploughing aggregate, operating according to the system ‘push- pull’




Kättesaadav alates


Bulgakov, V.
Ivanovs, S.
Arak, Margus
Kuvachоv, V.
Shymko, L.
Bandura, V.

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The use of ploughing machine - and - tractor aggregates, operating according to the principle of ‘push - pull’ , finds increasing application in the world since it allows ensuring the stability of the movement and the depth of ploughing, reduction of the energy indicators. The aim of this experimental study is to determine under field conditions the dynamic and ope rational technological parameters of the ploughing machine - and - tractor aggregate, operating according to the ‘push - pull’ system. This aggregate was an integral ploughing - tillage wheeled HTZ 16131 tractor, in front of which there was mounted a two - bottom pl ough, and at the rear – four - bottom ploughs. This aggregate has satisfactory path parameters of the movement during the execution of the technological process of ploughing. The oscillations of the furrow path for this aggregate are of a low - frequency natur e and are concentrated in a rather narrow frequency range (0...50 m - 1 ). At the operating speed of 2.0 m ∙ s - 1 it is 0...0.16 Hz. The maximum value of the mutual correlation function between the input impact (the turning angle of the driven wheels of the aggr egating tractor) and the output value – its relative bearing is positive and reaches a value of 0.88. Stability of the ploughing depth for the aggregate according to the ‘2 + 4’ scheme is ± 1.65 cm 2 , which is normally the smaller value of the same indicato r for a serial ploughing aggregate (± 1.98 cm 2 ).




ploughing, aggregate, system ‘push-pull’, indicators, articles

