Soojus- ja niiskustehnilised probleemid palk- ja plokkhoonete piirdetarinditel ning renoveerimislahendused
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kõiki hooneid tuleb aeg-ajalt renoveerida elanikele mugavamaks, kaasaegsetele nõuetele
vastavaks või hoone sisekliima parandamiseks. Seoses ehitus- ja energiahindade pideva
kasvuga ning energiatõhususe nõuete karmistumisega, on vajadus vastavalt hoone
probleemidele leida paljude erinevate lahenduste seast sobivaim.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli kirjeldada palk- ja plokkhoonete soojus- ja niiskustehnilisi
probleeme ning uurida leitud probleemide võimalikke renoveerimislahendusi hoone soojus ja niiskustehnilise toimivuse parandamiseks.
Erinevate probleemide leidmiseks kasutati Eesti Maaülikoolis läbi viidud magistritöid ja
teadusartikleid. Tutvustati erinevate soojus- ja niiskustehniliste probleemide olemust ja anti
ülevaade probleemidest erinevate hoone tarindite kaupa. Kirjeldatud probleemidele
lahenduste leidmiseks kasutati teadusandmebaasidest kättesaadavaid tõendupõhiseid
artikleid, mis käsitlesid uuringuid ja võrdluseid erinevatest renoveerimislahendustest. Saadud
tulemusi võrreldi lõputöö autori kogemusega ja Eesti Maaülikoolis varasemalt läbi viidud
Teadusartiklites ja Eesti Maaülikoolis läbi viidud lõputöös leitud soojus- ja niiskustehnilised
probleemid olid sarnased ja seni läbi viidud uuringutele tuginedes saab teha üldistusi vanadel
palk- ja plokkhoonetel esineda võivate kahjustuste kohta. Niiskuskahjustused on peamiselt tekkinud puudulikust sademevee eemale juhtimisest ja kõrgest niiskussisaldusest põranda
aluses ruumis. Termografeerimisel leiti külmasildasid ja õhulekkeid kõigis hoone välispiirdes
esinevates sõlmedes. Arvestades tänapäevaseid energiatõhususe miinimumnõudeid vajavad
kõik uuritud hooned lisasoojustamist.
Põhjalikumalt käsitleti vundamentide ja põrandate lahendusi, sest viimased on pidevas
kokkupuutes niiskusega ja pikaajalist lahendust on keeruline teostada. Lisaks analüüsiti ka
kõikide teiste piirdetarindite renoveerimislahendusi. Leiti, et mitmed praktikas levinud
lahendused ei pruugi olla kõige kestvamad ning alternatiivseid võimalusi on kirjanduses
All buildings need to be renovated from time to time to make them more comfortable for the residents, to meet more modern requirements or to improve the indoor climate of the building. Due to the constant rise in construction and energy prices and the tightening of energy efficiency requirements, there is a need to find the most suitable of many different solutions according to the problems. The first goal of the master's thesis was to describe the problems of log and block buildings hygrothermal performance. The second goal was to study possible renovation solutions to the problems found to improve the hygrothermal performance of the building. To find various problems, research articles and master's thesis conducted at the Estonian University of Life Sciences were used. The nature of various heat and moisture technical problems was introduced in more detail and an overview of the problems by different building structures was given. Research articles were used to find solutions to the problems described, and studies and comparisons of different renovation solutions were sought. The obtained results were analyzed with the experience of the author of the dissertation and with the thesis previously performed at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The thermal and moisture technical problems found in the research articles and in the thesis carried out at the Estonian University of Life Sciences were similar, and based on the research carried out so far, generalizations can be made about the possible damages on old log and block buildings. Moisture damages were caused by poor drainage of rainwater and high moisture content in the timber-frame crawl space. Cold bridges and air leakages were found during thermography in all joints on the building enclosure. Considering today's minimum energy efficiency requirements, all the studied buildings need additional insulation. Foundation and floor solutions were the most discussed, as the latter are in constant contact with moisture and it is difficult to implement a long-term solution. In addition, renovation solutions for all other enclosure structures were analyzed. It was found that many of the solutions common in practice may not be the most durable, and alternative options have been studied in the literature.
All buildings need to be renovated from time to time to make them more comfortable for the residents, to meet more modern requirements or to improve the indoor climate of the building. Due to the constant rise in construction and energy prices and the tightening of energy efficiency requirements, there is a need to find the most suitable of many different solutions according to the problems. The first goal of the master's thesis was to describe the problems of log and block buildings hygrothermal performance. The second goal was to study possible renovation solutions to the problems found to improve the hygrothermal performance of the building. To find various problems, research articles and master's thesis conducted at the Estonian University of Life Sciences were used. The nature of various heat and moisture technical problems was introduced in more detail and an overview of the problems by different building structures was given. Research articles were used to find solutions to the problems described, and studies and comparisons of different renovation solutions were sought. The obtained results were analyzed with the experience of the author of the dissertation and with the thesis previously performed at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The thermal and moisture technical problems found in the research articles and in the thesis carried out at the Estonian University of Life Sciences were similar, and based on the research carried out so far, generalizations can be made about the possible damages on old log and block buildings. Moisture damages were caused by poor drainage of rainwater and high moisture content in the timber-frame crawl space. Cold bridges and air leakages were found during thermography in all joints on the building enclosure. Considering today's minimum energy efficiency requirements, all the studied buildings need additional insulation. Foundation and floor solutions were the most discussed, as the latter are in constant contact with moisture and it is difficult to implement a long-term solution. In addition, renovation solutions for all other enclosure structures were analyzed. It was found that many of the solutions common in practice may not be the most durable, and alternative options have been studied in the literature.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, renoveerimine, ehitusfüüsika, energiatõhusus, teoreetiline kirjanduse analüüs