Puhke - ja virgestusalade kavandamine Võrumaa omavalitsustes
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Seoses tehnika arenemise, elanikkonna kasvu, vaba aja suurenemise ja liiklustingimuste parenemisega kasvab nõudlus korralike puhke - ja virgestusalade järele. Linnast sõidetakse „loodusesse“ mitte ainult puhkuse ajal ja nädalalõpul, vaid sageli ka tööpäeva lõpul, seetõttu vajavadki inimesed puhkusepaika elukoha lähedal. Kuna puhkajate heaolule pööratakse suurt tähelepanu, siis üha rohkem rõhutatakse lähirekreatsiooni - luuakse puhke- ja virgestusalasid inimestele kättesaadavatesse kohtadesse.
Töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada ja sõnastada Võrumaa omavalitsuste üldplaneeringutes olevate puhke- ja virgestusalade käsitlused, mis hõlmavad puhke- ja virgestustegevuse arendamist. Töö eesmärgist lähtuvalt on bakalaureusetöö põhimõte on puhke- ja virgestusalade põhimõistetele ja teooriale tuginedes analüüsida olemasoleva maakonna omavalitsuste arusaamasid puhke- ja virgestusaladest, st. kas teoreetiline osa toetab Võrumaa omavalitsuste üldplaneeringutes olevaid käsitlusi ja vastupidi.
Puhke- ja virgestusalade ülevaate saamiseks tutvusin Liikumisharrastuse arengukavaga ja uurisin mitmeid erialakirjandusega seotud raamatuid ja matkaradade planeerimise, rajamise ja hooldamise juhendit. Üldplaneeringu, Eesti planeeringusüsteemi ja planeerimisprotsessi ülevaate saamiseks uurisin sellega seotud raamatuid ja planeerimisseadust. Üldplaneeringute analüüsiks vaatlesin kuue omavalitsuse üldplaneeringuid – Võru linna, Võru, Lasva, Sõmerpalu, Vastseliina ja Haanja valla üldplaneeringud. Selleks otsisin internetist välja hiljutisemad 5 aasta jooksul algatatud või kehtestatud üldplaneeringud ja valisin neist välja vaid need omavalitsused, mis kuuluvad osaliselt või täielikult Võru linnaregioonide alla. Et üldplaneeringutes olevaid puudujääke täita, saatsin e-maili teel omavalitsustes üldplaneeringutega tegelevate spetsialistidele intervjuu ankeedid.
Kõige põhjalikum üldplaneering puhke- ja virgestusalade käsitlust silmas pidades oli Vastseliina üldplaneering, kus on käsitletud põhjalikult nii paiku, mõistet kui ka ligipääsetavuse võimalust. Väga head käsitlused on ka Haanja valla üldplaneeringus, kus on samuti kõik olulisemad kriteeriumid olemas. Hästi on puhke- ja virgestusalasid käsitletud ka Võru linna üldplaneeringus, kuid siin puudus puhke- ja virgestusalade alla kuuluvate paikate käsitlus. Sõmerpalu valla üldplaneeringus on küll kõik kriteeriumid olemas, kuid neid on liiga kesiselt kirjeldatud. Lasva valla üldplaneering vajab kindlasti suures osas täiendust. Siiski on selles oluliseks peetud puhke- ja virgestusaladele ligipääsetavust. Samuti võiks üldplaneeringu puhke- ja virgestusalade käsitlust puudutav osa olla põhjalikum. Kõige kehvemalt on puhke- ja virgestusalasid käsitletud Võru valla üldplaneeringus, kus puudusid nii mõiste, kui ka paigad ja ligipääsetavusest on kirjutatud vähe, seega käesolevas üldplaneeringus on üleüldiselt inimeste huvi peale vähe mõeldud.
Due to technological advances, population growth, increasing leisure time and the improving traffic conditions, increases the demand for proper recreation and recovery areas. “Trips to nature” are not only taken on vacations or on weekends, but often also at the end of the workday. That is one of the reasons why people need recreational areas near their residence. As more emphasis is put on the welfare of residents, recreation and recovery areas are established in easily accessible locations. The purpose of this paper is to examine and phrase the approach of recreation and recovery areas in the comprehensive plans of the municipalities of Võrumaa, concerning the development of recreation and recovery activities. The standpoint is to analyse the municipalities’ understanding of the concept of recreation and recovery areas based on the corresponding theory and basic concepts. In other words, whether the theoretical part of this paper meets the concept of recreation and recovery areas in the comprehensive plans of the municipalities and vice versa. To get an overview of the concept of recreation and recovery areas, I studied the development plan of Physical activity, literary sources about this subject and also several guides of designing, establishing and maintaining camping trails. In order to get an overview of the comprehensive planning, Estonian planning system and the process of planning, I studied the corresponding literature and the planning act. For the analysis of the comprehensive plan I studied the detailed plans of six municipalities – the city of Võru, Võru parish, Lasva parish, Sõmerpalu parish, Vastseliine parish and Haanja parish. Using the internet, I searched for the detailed plans established or initiated within the past five years and selected the municipalities that partially or completely belong to the city region of Võru. To fill the shortcomings in the comprehensive plans, I sent questionnaires to specialists of each municipality via email. The most thorough comprehensive plan concerning recreation and recovery areas belonged to Vastseliina parish, which had a profound approach from the aspects of locations, concept and also the accessibility. Very good approaches were found in the comprehensive plan of Haanja parish, which contained all the most important criteria. Good approaches were found in the comprehensive plan of the city of Võru, which, however, lacked the approach of the concept of recreation and recovery areas. The comprehensive plan of Sõmerpalu parish contained all the most important criteria, but they were poorly described. The comprehensive plan of Lasva parish certainly needs improvement. However, the accessibility to recreation and recovery areas had been considered important. Also, the concept of recreation and recovery areas could have been approached more thoroughly. Most poorly were recreation and recovery areas approached in the comprehensive plan of Võru parish – missing was the explanation of the concept and little was written about the location and accessibility, thus being the least considerate towards the interest of the local residents.
Due to technological advances, population growth, increasing leisure time and the improving traffic conditions, increases the demand for proper recreation and recovery areas. “Trips to nature” are not only taken on vacations or on weekends, but often also at the end of the workday. That is one of the reasons why people need recreational areas near their residence. As more emphasis is put on the welfare of residents, recreation and recovery areas are established in easily accessible locations. The purpose of this paper is to examine and phrase the approach of recreation and recovery areas in the comprehensive plans of the municipalities of Võrumaa, concerning the development of recreation and recovery activities. The standpoint is to analyse the municipalities’ understanding of the concept of recreation and recovery areas based on the corresponding theory and basic concepts. In other words, whether the theoretical part of this paper meets the concept of recreation and recovery areas in the comprehensive plans of the municipalities and vice versa. To get an overview of the concept of recreation and recovery areas, I studied the development plan of Physical activity, literary sources about this subject and also several guides of designing, establishing and maintaining camping trails. In order to get an overview of the comprehensive planning, Estonian planning system and the process of planning, I studied the corresponding literature and the planning act. For the analysis of the comprehensive plan I studied the detailed plans of six municipalities – the city of Võru, Võru parish, Lasva parish, Sõmerpalu parish, Vastseliine parish and Haanja parish. Using the internet, I searched for the detailed plans established or initiated within the past five years and selected the municipalities that partially or completely belong to the city region of Võru. To fill the shortcomings in the comprehensive plans, I sent questionnaires to specialists of each municipality via email. The most thorough comprehensive plan concerning recreation and recovery areas belonged to Vastseliina parish, which had a profound approach from the aspects of locations, concept and also the accessibility. Very good approaches were found in the comprehensive plan of Haanja parish, which contained all the most important criteria. Good approaches were found in the comprehensive plan of the city of Võru, which, however, lacked the approach of the concept of recreation and recovery areas. The comprehensive plan of Sõmerpalu parish contained all the most important criteria, but they were poorly described. The comprehensive plan of Lasva parish certainly needs improvement. However, the accessibility to recreation and recovery areas had been considered important. Also, the concept of recreation and recovery areas could have been approached more thoroughly. Most poorly were recreation and recovery areas approached in the comprehensive plan of Võru parish – missing was the explanation of the concept and little was written about the location and accessibility, thus being the least considerate towards the interest of the local residents.
puhkealad, Võrumaa, üldplaneering, bakalaureusetööd