Mullaelustiku arvukus ja mitmekesisus EMÜ Polli Aiandusuuringute keskuse mahe- ja tavaaias
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Eesti Maaülikool
Mullaelustiku uurimine mahe- ja tavaviljeluse õunapuuaias annab võimaluse analüüsida, kuidas on elusorganismid mõjutatud viljeluseviisist ning keskkonnatingimustest. Antud töö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada vihmausside ja hooghännaliste arvukus ning mitmekesisus EMÜ Polli Aiandusuuringute keskuse mahe- ja tavaviljeluse õunapuuaias. Katsed tehti 2022. ja 2023. aasta sügisel, mullakeemia ja mikroobikoosluse analüüsiks võeti mullastiku koondproovid, vihmausside kogumisel kasutati vermifuugi meetodit ja määrati arvukus laboris (isendit/m2 kohta), hooghännaliste puhul võeti mullaproovid aedadest transektina ning proovide ekstraheerimise teel määrati arvukus (isendeid/10 proovi kohta). Tulemused näitasid, et vihmausside arvukus ei sõltunud viljelusviisist õunapuuaias, kuna 2022. aasta arvukus oli suurem maheaias ning 2023. aastal aga tavaaias, hooghännaliste arvukus see eest tõusis ühe aasta võrdlusena mõlemas aias. Kuna mõlemad aastad oli keskkonnatingimuste poolest erinevad ning ka väetamisel ja taimekaitsel olid mõlemal aastal erinevused, siis selgeid seoseid mullanäitajate ja elustiku vahel ei ilmnenud, kuid siiski nii mullaniiskus kui ka mulla happesus omasid positiivset mõju eluvormide osatähtsusele. Mullaelustiku arvukuse ja mitmekesisuse uurimisel peab arvestama paljude faktoritega ning pikaajalisemad uurimised on vajalikud, et mõista kindlaid mõjusid vihmausside ja hooghännaliste arvukuse ja mitmekesisuse osas.
Investigation of soil biota in organic and conventional apple orchards provides insight into the impact of cultivation practices and environmental condition on living organisms. This study aimed to determine the abundance and diveristy of earthworms and springtails in the organic and conventional apple orchards at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Polli Horticultural Reasearch Centre. Experiments were conducted in the autumns of 2022 and 2023. Composite soil samples were taken for soil chemistry and microbial community analysis. Earthworms were collected using the vermifuge method, and their abundance was determined in the laboratory (individuals per m²). For springtails, soil samples were taken from transects in the orchards, and their abundance was determined through sample extraction (individuals per 10 samples). Results showed that earthworm abundance did not depend on the cultivation method in the apple orchard; the abundance was higher in the organic orchard in 2022, but higher in the conventional orchard in 2023. However, the abundance of springtails increased in both orchards when comparing the two years. Since environmental conditions and differences in fertilization and plant protection varied between the years, clear correlations between soil parameters and biota were not evident. Nevertheless, both soil moisture and soil acidity had a positive effect on the proportion of life forms. When studying the abundance and diversity of soil biota, many factors must be considered, and long-term studies are necessary to understand the specific effects on the abundance and diversity of earthworms and springtails.
Investigation of soil biota in organic and conventional apple orchards provides insight into the impact of cultivation practices and environmental condition on living organisms. This study aimed to determine the abundance and diveristy of earthworms and springtails in the organic and conventional apple orchards at the Estonian University of Life Sciences Polli Horticultural Reasearch Centre. Experiments were conducted in the autumns of 2022 and 2023. Composite soil samples were taken for soil chemistry and microbial community analysis. Earthworms were collected using the vermifuge method, and their abundance was determined in the laboratory (individuals per m²). For springtails, soil samples were taken from transects in the orchards, and their abundance was determined through sample extraction (individuals per 10 samples). Results showed that earthworm abundance did not depend on the cultivation method in the apple orchard; the abundance was higher in the organic orchard in 2022, but higher in the conventional orchard in 2023. However, the abundance of springtails increased in both orchards when comparing the two years. Since environmental conditions and differences in fertilization and plant protection varied between the years, clear correlations between soil parameters and biota were not evident. Nevertheless, both soil moisture and soil acidity had a positive effect on the proportion of life forms. When studying the abundance and diversity of soil biota, many factors must be considered, and long-term studies are necessary to understand the specific effects on the abundance and diversity of earthworms and springtails.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vihmaussid, hooghännalised, mikroobikooslus, õunapuuaed