2000-2013. aasta geomaatika osakonna vilistlaste uuring
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Käesoleva uurimuse eesmärgiks on uurida, kas ja mil määral Eesti Maaülikooli
geomaatika osakonna vilistlased jätkavad tööturul ülikoolis omandatud erialal.
Vilistlaste uuringu läbiviimiseks kasutati kvalitatiivset meetodit küsitluse näol.
Valimisse kuulusid aastate 2000-2013 kinnisvara planeerimise, geodeesia ja
maakorralduse õppekava lõpetajad.
Tulemustena selgus, et 145-st vastajast on 41% vastanutest põhitöö väga lähedalt õpitud
erialaga seotud; suures osas on põhitöö omandatud erialaga seotud 20% vastanutest.
Eesti mastaabiga võrreldes jäävad need numbrid eelnevalt 2005. ja 2009. aastal
läbiviidud uuringutele 7 ja 14% ulatuses alla. Antud töö raames uuritutest töötavad 49%
vastajatest erafirmas või eraisiku teenistuses ning 41% riiklikus, avalik-õiguslikus või
munitsipaalasutuses. Väga olulised või küllaltki olulised kolm põhifaktorit töökoha
valimisel on: enese proovilepanek (92%), head töökaaslased (91%) ja hea palk (88%).
Väga olulised või küllaltki olulised kolm põhifaktorit töökoha saamisel on: eesti keele
oskus (83%), omandatud peaeriala/erialad (81%) ja inglise keele oskus (63%).
Antud temaatikat on soovitatav edasi uurida spetsiifilisemalt Eesti Maaülikooli poolt
või järgmise bakalaureuse- või magistritöö raames, keskendudes juba ainult ühele
õppekavale, et saaks analüüsida ja võrrelda geomaatika valdkonna erialasid omavahel.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the alumni of the department of geomatics will continue their work in the field chosen as their specialty in university. The survey was carried out using a qualitative method of inquiry. The sample consisted of the graduates from years 2000-2013 in the curriculums of real estate planning, land surveying and geodesy. The results showed that among the 145 respondents, 41% have jobs which are very closely related to their university specialty and 20% have jobs largely related to their specialty. Compared to the surveys carried out in 2005 and 2009 in Estonia, the results of this survey are 7 and 14% smaller. 49% of the respondents work in private companies or for an individual and 41% work for the state, public or municipal authority. The three very important or fairly important main factors in choosing a job are: to test her/himself (92%), good co-workers (91%) and a good salary (88%). The three very important or fairly important three key factors in getting a job are: Estonian language skills (83%), major specialty/specialties (81%), and English language skills (63%). It is recommended to investigate this subject further in detail by the Estonian University of Life Sciences or as another Bachelor’s or Master's Thesis, with the focus on one curriculum at a time which can then be analyzed and compared with other specialties inside of the Department of Geomatics.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the alumni of the department of geomatics will continue their work in the field chosen as their specialty in university. The survey was carried out using a qualitative method of inquiry. The sample consisted of the graduates from years 2000-2013 in the curriculums of real estate planning, land surveying and geodesy. The results showed that among the 145 respondents, 41% have jobs which are very closely related to their university specialty and 20% have jobs largely related to their specialty. Compared to the surveys carried out in 2005 and 2009 in Estonia, the results of this survey are 7 and 14% smaller. 49% of the respondents work in private companies or for an individual and 41% work for the state, public or municipal authority. The three very important or fairly important main factors in choosing a job are: to test her/himself (92%), good co-workers (91%) and a good salary (88%). The three very important or fairly important three key factors in getting a job are: Estonian language skills (83%), major specialty/specialties (81%), and English language skills (63%). It is recommended to investigate this subject further in detail by the Estonian University of Life Sciences or as another Bachelor’s or Master's Thesis, with the focus on one curriculum at a time which can then be analyzed and compared with other specialties inside of the Department of Geomatics.
kinnisvara, maakorraldus, geodeesia, tööturg, kutseoskused, bakalaureusetööd