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The effect of bean flour addition on the rheological properties and baking quality of a triticale flour blends




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri


Estonian University of Life Sciences


The aim of this research work was to study and compare the main parameters of the rheological state of the dough made from triticale flour (a variety of George selection by the FSBIS Agricultural Research Institute of the South-East), dough made from flour of white and red bean seeds, as well as parameters of dough from flour of composite mixtures based on them. The rheological properties of the dough were determined using a Mixolab device according to the GOST ISO 17718-2015 method. The mixing ability of the blends was additionally tested by the SDS sedimentation method. It was found that the moment of force, which characterizes the gelatinization process, correlates well with the SDS sedimentation index. To a lesser extent, this indicator correlates with the values of the moments of force characterizing the process of ‘starch retrogradation’ and the energy intensity of the dough formation process. The water absorption capacity of flour highly correlates with the moment of force during the liquefaction phase and with the moments of force characterizing the minimum and maximum consistency of the dough during the ‘starch retrogradation’ phase. The correlation between the SDS sedimentation rate and water absorption capacity was found to be rather low. The rheological parameters were also significantly influenced by the type of beans. Taking into account the results of studies of the rheological state of the dough, test baking of bread with various mass fractions of components was carried out. The results obtained confirmed the improving effect of bean flour.


Received: February 6th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 2nd, 2021 ; Published: August 18th, 2021 ; Correspondence:


beans, triticale, composite mixtures, rheological properties, bakery qualities, articles

