Viljelusviiside mõju herne saagikusele
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Eesti Maaülikool
Reimann M. bakalaureuse uurimustöö viljelusviiside mõjust herne saagikusele. Tartu
2018, eesti keeles. Antud uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli uurida mahe- ja traditsioonilise
viljelusviisi mõju herne saagikusele ning vaadelda erinevate saagistruktuuri elementide
mõju saagikusele ja viljelusviiside mõju herne kvaliteedile.
Uurimustöö oli katsepõhine. Katse rajati 2008. aastal Eesti Maaülikooli taimekasvatuse ja
rohumaaviljeluse osakonna Eerika katsepõllule viieväljalise külvikorrana ning kahe
viljelussüsteemina. Külvikorras oli: talinisu, hernes, kartul, oder ristiku allakülviga, ristik.
Külvikorra I rotatsioon lõppes aastal 2012. ning II rotatsioon algas 2013. a. Antud
uurimustöös on vaadeldav periood 2013–2017. a. Katse oli üles ehitatud süstemaatilise
plokksüsteemina neljas korduses. Igas korduses oli esindatud terviklik külvikord, mis
jagunes 7 väetisvariandiks (maheviljeluse süsteemis kolm ja traditsioonilises
viljelussüsteemis neli väetusvarianti).
Uuritud katsefaktoritest mõjutas nii herne saagistruktuuri elementide kujunemist kui ka
saaki eelkõige katseaasta ilmastik (dispersioonanalüüsi järgi 14–48% ulatuses), kusjuures
erinevate viljelusviiside väetisvariantide mõju ulatus 7–22% või oli statistiliselt ebausutav.
Herne saak katseaastate keskmisena oli mahevariantidel 24–35% väiksem kui
tavaviljeluse variantidel. Saagistruktuuri elementidest mõjutas herne terasaaki perioodil
2013–2017 e külvikorra teise rotatsiooni jooksul usutaval määral taimede ja kaunade arv
pinnaühikul ning umbrohtumine.
Herne kasvatamise tasuvusanalüüsist selgus, et 2017. aastal olid kasumis vaid
mahesüsteemis kasvatatud katsevariandid. Tavaviljeluse variantide kahjumi põhjuseks
olid kõrged sisendite hinnad ning madalad kokkuostuhinnad.
Reimann, M. The influence of farming system on yield of pea. Bachelor’s thesis. Tartu 2018. In Estonian. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of organic and traditional cultivation practices on pea yield formation, yield size and quality. In 2008. the long-term experiment was founded on the Eerika’s experiental field that belongs to Estonian University of Life Sciences’s. The trial took place on five-field rotation with two cultivation practices. The rotation was in following: winter wheat, pea, potato, barley undersown with clover, clover. Systematic supply system in four replicates was used in this experiment. The first rotation ended in 2012, in this research we use data from second rotation (2013-2107). The full rotation was used in each replicate. The aim of this trial was to compare the different nitrogen fertilization methods ( 3 in organic, 4 in traditional) on yield of pea, its formation, size and quality. The gratest impact on the field pea yield formation and yield level had the weather conditions of trial year (14–48% according to the dispersion analysis), followed by the fertilization with different nitrogen fertilizers and amounts (organic and conventional farming) whereas the influence of second factor amounted to 7–22% or was not statistically significant. As the average of trial years the pea grain yield from organic variants was 24–35% lower than that from the conventional variants. The largest impact on field pea yield level had from yield structure elements the number of plants and pods per unit of are in 2013–2017, followed by the weediness. The cost-benefit analysis of pea growing showed that in 2017 only the test variants grown according to organic system were profitable. The reasons of the unprofitability of variants grown according to traditional cultivation practices were the high prices of inputs and low buying-in prices.
Reimann, M. The influence of farming system on yield of pea. Bachelor’s thesis. Tartu 2018. In Estonian. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of organic and traditional cultivation practices on pea yield formation, yield size and quality. In 2008. the long-term experiment was founded on the Eerika’s experiental field that belongs to Estonian University of Life Sciences’s. The trial took place on five-field rotation with two cultivation practices. The rotation was in following: winter wheat, pea, potato, barley undersown with clover, clover. Systematic supply system in four replicates was used in this experiment. The first rotation ended in 2012, in this research we use data from second rotation (2013-2107). The full rotation was used in each replicate. The aim of this trial was to compare the different nitrogen fertilization methods ( 3 in organic, 4 in traditional) on yield of pea, its formation, size and quality. The gratest impact on the field pea yield formation and yield level had the weather conditions of trial year (14–48% according to the dispersion analysis), followed by the fertilization with different nitrogen fertilizers and amounts (organic and conventional farming) whereas the influence of second factor amounted to 7–22% or was not statistically significant. As the average of trial years the pea grain yield from organic variants was 24–35% lower than that from the conventional variants. The largest impact on field pea yield level had from yield structure elements the number of plants and pods per unit of are in 2013–2017, followed by the weediness. The cost-benefit analysis of pea growing showed that in 2017 only the test variants grown according to organic system were profitable. The reasons of the unprofitability of variants grown according to traditional cultivation practices were the high prices of inputs and low buying-in prices.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, hernes, liblikõielised, maheviljelus, sõnnik, lämmastik