Väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramise metoodikate võrdlus Tartu maakonna näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maailmas väheneb erinevatel põhjustel toidu tootmiseks sobiv maa ja seetõttu muutub
järjest olulisemaks läbimõeldud maakasutusotsuste tegemine. Käesolev teema vajab
kajastamist, kuna Eestis puudub selgus väärtuslike põllumajandusmaade määramise ja
säilitamise osas.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada erinevused, mis tekivad väärtusliku
põllumajandusmaa määramisel kahe metoodika korral. Ühel juhul on määramisel aluseks
ainult mulla boniteet ja teisel kompleksne hindamine.
Töö läbiviimiseks kasutati Eesti Topograafilise Andmekogu digitaalseid ruumiandmeid.
Põllumassiivide formeerimiseks ja teemakaartide koostamiseks kasutati ArcGIS 10.2.1 ja
QGIS 2.16.3 tarkvara. Täiendava informatsiooni saamiseks viidi läbi intervjuud kahe
Käesoleva uurimistöö tulemustest võib järeldada, et väärtuslike põllumajandusmaade
määramisel on metoodika valik oluline, kuna saadud tulemused on võrdlemisi erinevad.
Väärtuslike põllumajandusmaade määramisel mulla boniteedi alusel on maatükid pindalalt
väiksemad ja maatükke on rohkem, samas komplekshinde alusel on maatükke vähem ja
pindalalt on massiivid suuremad. Põllumajandusmaad, mis on mulla boniteedi alusel
väärtuslikud ei ole sageli väärtuslikud komplekshinde alusel ja vastupidi. Tulemustest
selgus, et Tartumaa põllumajandusmaade ühisosa protsent jääb 52-73% vahele, sõltuvalt
väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa pinnast.
Magistritöö võiks huvi pakkuda erinevatele institutsioonidele ja ametkondadele, kes on
seotud väärtuslike põllumajandusmaade määramise ja kaitse küsimustega Eestis.
In the world agricultural land for food production is decreasing for various reasons and therefore it becomes more important to make well-advised decisions about land use. This subject needs exploring because in Estonia the methods for determing and preserving valuable agricultural lands are not clear. This Master's thesis purpose is to find out the differences that come up using two methods to determine valuable agricultural land. One method is based only on soil fertility and the other on complex grade. Eesti Topograafilise Andmekogu digital geospatial data was used to execute this work. ArcGIS 10.2.1 and QGIS 2.16.3 software were used to form field parcels and create thematic maps. Two subject specialists were interviewed to get supplement information. This studys results conclude that the method for determing valuable agricultural land is important. Using two different methods for determing valuable agricultural land the results for Tartu county were comparatively different. Determing valuable agricultural land based only on soil fertility the parcels by area are smaller and there are more parcels, but determing by complex garde there are less parcels, but they are bigger by area. Agricultural lands that are valuable based on soil fertility are frequently not valuable based on complex grade and vice versa. Determing valuable agricultural land using two different methods, the intersection percentage is 52-73 depending of the agricultural land area in Tartu county. This Master's theses maybe interested for different institutions and boards, that are connected to determing and protecting valuable agricultural land in Estonia.
In the world agricultural land for food production is decreasing for various reasons and therefore it becomes more important to make well-advised decisions about land use. This subject needs exploring because in Estonia the methods for determing and preserving valuable agricultural lands are not clear. This Master's thesis purpose is to find out the differences that come up using two methods to determine valuable agricultural land. One method is based only on soil fertility and the other on complex grade. Eesti Topograafilise Andmekogu digital geospatial data was used to execute this work. ArcGIS 10.2.1 and QGIS 2.16.3 software were used to form field parcels and create thematic maps. Two subject specialists were interviewed to get supplement information. This studys results conclude that the method for determing valuable agricultural land is important. Using two different methods for determing valuable agricultural land the results for Tartu county were comparatively different. Determing valuable agricultural land based only on soil fertility the parcels by area are smaller and there are more parcels, but determing by complex garde there are less parcels, but they are bigger by area. Agricultural lands that are valuable based on soil fertility are frequently not valuable based on complex grade and vice versa. Determing valuable agricultural land using two different methods, the intersection percentage is 52-73 depending of the agricultural land area in Tartu county. This Master's theses maybe interested for different institutions and boards, that are connected to determing and protecting valuable agricultural land in Estonia.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, mullaviljakus, kompleksne hindamine, ruumilised omadused