Methodology of the stress detemination in the tool module during the work of the agriculture machine
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Machine construction is designed using by mathematical models. The frame is a
fundamental part of an agricultural soil cultivation machine so that forces were transfered during
transport and machine work to frame. The stress in the machine frame is important to know for
the best frame design of the machine. The mathematical model included measued strain can able
to design or detect deficiencies on the machine frame. Due to the transfer of forces from the tools,
stress is created in the machine frame. High requirements are placed on the determination of
boundary conditions for mathematical models in agricultural machinery. Various types, sizes and
equipment of agricultural tools significantly affect the transfer of draught force to the machine.
The direction and magnitude of the forces, that are caused by agricultural tools, it is important to
find out. Ansys mechanical solver have been used to determination strain like response of frame
from chisel module. The results can be used as a boundary condition for mathematical models.
agricultural machine, mathematical model, stress, simulation, articles