Ekopanely põhuplaatide mehaaniliste ja füüsikaliste omaduste uurimine
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Antsmäe, Allan
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesolevas magistritöös uuriti Tšehhi ettevõtte Ekopanely poolt valmistatud põhuplaatide
mehaanilisi- ja füüsikalisi omadusi, eesmärgiga suurendada põhuplaatide kasutus
võimalusi ehituses. Magistritöö käigus uuriti põhuplaatide painde- ja survetugevust,
põhuplaadi ja puit posti ühelõikelise kruviliite tugevust, põhuplaatide ja puitsõrestik
postide komposiitkäitumist vertikaalsele survele. Parema võrdluse eesmärgil tehti
võrdlevad katsed OSB plaatide ja sõrestikpostidega. Lisaks mõõdeti põhuplaatide
Surve-, painde- ja kruviliite katsekehad lõigati välja 12 erinevast põhuplaadist. Iga katse
seeria jaoks valmistati 24 katsekeha. Soojuserijuhtivuse katsekehad võeti viiest erinevast
põhuplaadist. Põhuplaat-puitkarkass seinapaneelidega viidi läbi 5 survekandevõime katset
ja OSB plaat puitkarkass paneelidega 3 survekandevõime katset. Katsed teostati Eesti
Maaülikooli puidu- ja ehituskonstruktsioonide laborites.
Surve- ja paindekatsetele teostati stabiilsusanalüüs, lisaks arvutati paindekatsete käigus
paindelastsumoodulid. Seinapaneelide survekandevõime katsete tulemusena saab
järeldada, et põhuplaadi kasutamine puitpostide jäigastava materjalina suurendas olulisel
määral puitpostide nõtketugevust. Kolme katse keskmisena suurenes puitposti
kandevõime tänu põhuplaadile 4,6 korda. Lisaks uuriti põhuplaadi ja puitkarkassi
ühelõikelise kruviliite tugevust. Katsete tulemusena selgus, et kruviliite lõike kandevõime
on piki plaati 26 % suurem kui risti plaati.
Põhuplaatide katsekehadele määrati soojuserijuhtivuse näitajad. Katsete mõõtmise
tulemused erinesid võrreldes tehase andmetega 19 %. Viie katse keskmiseks tulemuseks
(10º C juures) saadi 0,118 W/(m·K).
In this master's thesis were studied the mechanical and physical properties of the straw panels produced by the Czech company Ekopanely. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the use of straw panels in construction. The flexural and compressive strengths of straw panels were examined, as well as the composite behavior of straw panels and wooden frame under vertical pressure. For better comparison, tests were also performed on OSB and half-timbered panels. The strength of the straw panel and wooden frame onepiece connector screw was measured as well as, the thermal conductivity of the panel. Pressure, compressive and screw test pieces were cut out from 12 different straw panels. 24 test pieces were prepared for each round of tests. For thermal conductivity tests, pieces were cut out of 5 straw panels. With straw and wooden panels 5 pressure load tests were performed and with OSB and wooden panels – 3 tests. The tests were carried out in wood laboratory and in the laboratory of building materials at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. For the pressure and flexural tests, stability analysis was performed, as well as, the flexural modulus was calculated. As a result of the bearing capacity tests on wall panels, it can be concluded that the use of a straw panel as a stiffening material for frame wall has greatly increased its stiffness. As the average of three tests, the load capacity of the frame wall was increased in 4.6 times, thanks to the straw panel. In addition, the strength of the straw panel and wooden frame one-piece connector screw was measured. The tests have revealed that the load capacity of the screw is 26% higher in longitudinal panel, than in perpendicular. Thermal conductivity parameters of the panels were also revealed during the testing. Test results differed by 19%, compared to the data provided by factory. The average result (10º C) for test was 0.118 W/(m·K).
In this master's thesis were studied the mechanical and physical properties of the straw panels produced by the Czech company Ekopanely. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the use of straw panels in construction. The flexural and compressive strengths of straw panels were examined, as well as the composite behavior of straw panels and wooden frame under vertical pressure. For better comparison, tests were also performed on OSB and half-timbered panels. The strength of the straw panel and wooden frame onepiece connector screw was measured as well as, the thermal conductivity of the panel. Pressure, compressive and screw test pieces were cut out from 12 different straw panels. 24 test pieces were prepared for each round of tests. For thermal conductivity tests, pieces were cut out of 5 straw panels. With straw and wooden panels 5 pressure load tests were performed and with OSB and wooden panels – 3 tests. The tests were carried out in wood laboratory and in the laboratory of building materials at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. For the pressure and flexural tests, stability analysis was performed, as well as, the flexural modulus was calculated. As a result of the bearing capacity tests on wall panels, it can be concluded that the use of a straw panel as a stiffening material for frame wall has greatly increased its stiffness. As the average of three tests, the load capacity of the frame wall was increased in 4.6 times, thanks to the straw panel. In addition, the strength of the straw panel and wooden frame one-piece connector screw was measured. The tests have revealed that the load capacity of the screw is 26% higher in longitudinal panel, than in perpendicular. Thermal conductivity parameters of the panels were also revealed during the testing. Test results differed by 19%, compared to the data provided by factory. The average result (10º C) for test was 0.118 W/(m·K).
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, komposiitkonstruktsioonid, paindetugevus, survetugevus, soojuserijuhtivus, põhuplaadid