Viljelusviisi mõju lämmastiku, fosfori ja kaaliumi kasutamise efektiivsusele talinisus
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.PK/142
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Eesti Maaülikool
Väetiste laialdasest kasutamisest ning kasvava elanikkonna toiduvajaduste rahuldamiseks
on vaja toitaineid efektiivselt kasutada, mis aitaks mahetootmises saagikusi tõsta ning
tavatootmises väetiste pealt kulutusi kokku hoida. Antud magistritöö eesmärkideks oli
analüüsida ilmastiku ja külvikorra viisi mõju toitainete (N, P ja K) omastamise
efektiivsusele talinisus. Analüüside aluseks olid põldkatse andmed, mis koguti Eesti
Maaülikooli katsepõllult 2008.-2012. aastal. Maheviljelussüsteemi külvikorras oli
kasutusel kaks varianti vahekultuurid, vahekultuuridele lisaks sõnnikut. Tavasüsteemis oli
kasutuses 4 väetisevarianti: kontrollvariant, N1 (N40-50P25K95); N2 (N80-100P25K95); N3
(N120-150P25K95). Tehtud katse tõestas, et eri viljelusviisidel on erinev mõju lõplikule
saagikusele ja toitainete omastamise efektiivsusele. Talinisu saak katseaastate keskmisena
oli mahevariantidel 32% väiksem kui tavaviljeluses. Vahekultuurid ja lisatud sõnnik ei
suurendanud talinisu saaki. Lämmastiku, fosfori ja kaaliumi kasutamise efektiivsus oli
kõige suurem 2012. aastal. Tavaviljeluses oli lämmastiku kasutamise efektiivsus suurem
väiksemate väetise normidega. Lämmastiku agronoomiline toitainete kasutamise
efektiivsus, osaline tootlikus ja omastamise efektiivsus oli kõige parem N1 variandil.
Fosfori ja kaaliumi kasutamise efektiivsus oli suurem N2 variandil, kuid ei erinenud
usutavalt teistest tavavariantidest.
From the widespread use of fertilizers and to meet the food needs of the growing population, it is necessary to use nutrients efficiently, which would help increase yields in organic farming and save costs on fertilizers in conventional farming. The aims of this master's thesis were to analyze the effect of weather and crop rotation on the efficiency of nutrient uptake (N, P and K) in winter. The analyzes were based on field experiment data collected from the Estonian University of Life Sciences experimental field in 2008-2012. There were two organic variants: where cover crops were used and where cover crops were combined with manure. Conventional system had 4 fertilizer variants: control variant, N1 (N40-50P25K95); N2 (N80-100P25K95); N3 (N120-150P25K95). The experiment showed that different cultivation methods have different effects on yield and nutrient use efficiency. The average yield of winter wheat was 32% lower in organic variants than in conventional cultivation. Cover crops and added manure did not increase winter wheat yield. The efficiency of the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was the highest in 2012. In conventional cultivation, the efficiency of nitrogen use was higher with lower fertilizer rates. The agronomic efficiency, partial factor productivity and nutrient recovery efficiency of nitrogen were highest in N1 variant. The efficiency of phosphorus and potassium use was higher in the N2 variant, but did not differ plausibly from other conventional variants.
From the widespread use of fertilizers and to meet the food needs of the growing population, it is necessary to use nutrients efficiently, which would help increase yields in organic farming and save costs on fertilizers in conventional farming. The aims of this master's thesis were to analyze the effect of weather and crop rotation on the efficiency of nutrient uptake (N, P and K) in winter. The analyzes were based on field experiment data collected from the Estonian University of Life Sciences experimental field in 2008-2012. There were two organic variants: where cover crops were used and where cover crops were combined with manure. Conventional system had 4 fertilizer variants: control variant, N1 (N40-50P25K95); N2 (N80-100P25K95); N3 (N120-150P25K95). The experiment showed that different cultivation methods have different effects on yield and nutrient use efficiency. The average yield of winter wheat was 32% lower in organic variants than in conventional cultivation. Cover crops and added manure did not increase winter wheat yield. The efficiency of the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was the highest in 2012. In conventional cultivation, the efficiency of nitrogen use was higher with lower fertilizer rates. The agronomic efficiency, partial factor productivity and nutrient recovery efficiency of nitrogen were highest in N1 variant. The efficiency of phosphorus and potassium use was higher in the N2 variant, but did not differ plausibly from other conventional variants.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
magistritööd, talinisu, mahetootmine, tavatootmine, toitained, efektiivsus