Mudelkiilvaia uurimine vertikaalkoormuse ja momendi koosmõjul
Kättesaadav alates
Kuld, Janek
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kiilvaiasid on valdavalt kasutatud Eestis. Ehitussektori konservatiivsuse tõttu mujal
maailmas lühikesi kiilvaiu ei kasutada. Kiilvaiadega on varasemalt katseid tehtuid, kuid
arvutusmetoodika erinevate koormusolukorade kohta puudub. Uuringuid
vertikaalkoormuse ja momendi koosmõjul ei ole tehtud. Sellest probleemist tulenevalt on
töö eesmärk uurida mudelkiilvaia käitumist vertikaalkoormuse ja momendi koosmõjul.
Magistritöös analüüsitakse katseliselt mudelkiilvaia käitumist. Katsed viidi läbi
Maaülikooli konstruktsioonide labori liivakastis. Mudelkiilvaiaga viidi läbi staatilised- ja
dünaamilised koormuskatsed. Katsetes kasutati mudelkiilvaia, mis on praktikas kasutust
leidnud kahe meetrise kiilvaia viiekordne vähendatud mudel.
Vertikaalkoormusega koormati vaiasid viiel koormusastel, iga astmega teostati kolm katset.
Momenti suurendati igal koormusastmel kuni kandevõime ammendumiseni.
Katsetulemusi protokolliti, koostati graafikud ja analüüsiti. Staatilise ja dünaamilise
kandevõime katse tulemusi võrreldi varasemate uurimistöö tulemustega. Momendi
kandevõimet võrreldi praktikas kasutust leidnud arvutusmudeliga. Katsetulemusi
analüüsides selgus, et arvutusvalem ülehindab momendi kandevõimet väikesel
vertikaalkoormusel ja alahindab suurematel koormustel.
Wedged piles are mostly used in Estonia, as other countries have more conservative approach to construction. There is some research about using wedge piles, but the problem is lack of calculating methodology to assess different load conditions. There is no research about interaction of vertical load and moment. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyze behavior of wedge pile under the interaction of vertical load and moment. Behavior of wedge pile is analyzed through experiments. The experiments were held in sand pit at laboratory in Estonian University of Life Sciences. Experiments included research of the effects of static and dynamic load to wedge pile placed in sand. All experiments were carried out with the model pile, which is five times reduced model of a commonly used 2 m long wedge pile. To assure the reliability of the results, the model piles were loaded with vertical load in five levels, each level was tested three times. The moment was increased in every load level until exhaustion of load capacity. All experiments were recorded, drawn up in graphs and analyzed. The results of static and dynamic tests were compared to results of research made earlier. The load capacity of moment was compared with calculating methodology which is most used. The analysis of the experiment revealed that present calculating methodology overestimates the load capacity at small amount of vertical load and underestimates at larger amount of vertical load.
Wedged piles are mostly used in Estonia, as other countries have more conservative approach to construction. There is some research about using wedge piles, but the problem is lack of calculating methodology to assess different load conditions. There is no research about interaction of vertical load and moment. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyze behavior of wedge pile under the interaction of vertical load and moment. Behavior of wedge pile is analyzed through experiments. The experiments were held in sand pit at laboratory in Estonian University of Life Sciences. Experiments included research of the effects of static and dynamic load to wedge pile placed in sand. All experiments were carried out with the model pile, which is five times reduced model of a commonly used 2 m long wedge pile. To assure the reliability of the results, the model piles were loaded with vertical load in five levels, each level was tested three times. The moment was increased in every load level until exhaustion of load capacity. All experiments were recorded, drawn up in graphs and analyzed. The results of static and dynamic tests were compared to results of research made earlier. The load capacity of moment was compared with calculating methodology which is most used. The analysis of the experiment revealed that present calculating methodology overestimates the load capacity at small amount of vertical load and underestimates at larger amount of vertical load.
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