Universaalse disaini printsiipidel meeldiva linnaruumi kujundamine Tartu sadamaraudtee näitel
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Aun, Anette
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tänapäeva ühiskondade üheks suureks probleemiks on autostumine ja selle tagajärjel
ohutu ja meeldiva linnaruumi kadumine inimeste jaoks. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on luua
Tartu sadamaraudtee koridorile universaalse disaini printsiipidel liikumiskoridor, mis
kutsuks inimesi linnaruumis lisaks liiklemisele ka aega veetma. Teoreetilise osa
läbitöötamise, universaalse disaini printsiipidel loodud projektide uurimise ja kujundusala
analüüside teostamise läbi on välja töötatud kujunduslahendus, mis muutis pooleldi
kasutuses oleva liikumiskoridori mitmekesiseks, ohutuks ja ühtseks ruumiks kõigile
One of the big problems of today's societies is an ever-increasing production of cars and their use as a means of transport and, as a result, the loss of safe and pleasant urban space for people. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a thoroughfare for the Tartu port railway corridor based on the principles of universal design, which would invite people to spend time in the urban space in addition to to just using the room as a way to get from one place to another. Through working out the theoretical part, researching projects created on the principles of universal design and performing analyzes of the design area, a design solution has been developed, that turned the half-used thoroughfare into a diverse, safe and unified space for all people.
One of the big problems of today's societies is an ever-increasing production of cars and their use as a means of transport and, as a result, the loss of safe and pleasant urban space for people. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a thoroughfare for the Tartu port railway corridor based on the principles of universal design, which would invite people to spend time in the urban space in addition to to just using the room as a way to get from one place to another. Through working out the theoretical part, researching projects created on the principles of universal design and performing analyzes of the design area, a design solution has been developed, that turned the half-used thoroughfare into a diverse, safe and unified space for all people.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, universaalne disain, kvaliteetne linnaruum, kergliiklustee