Haritava maa võsastumine Tartu maakonnas
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Eesti Maaülikool
Tehnoloogia areng ning väetiste, herbitsiidide ja pestitsiidide kasutuselevõtt võimaldavad
haritavat maad kasutada üha intensiivsemalt (Benayas jt 2007). Kuid maakasutuse
intensiivistumise kõrval on järjest suuremaks probleemiks muutunud maade hülgamine.
Magistritöö eesmärk on välja selgitada põllumassiivide ruumiliste omaduste mõju
põllumaade võsastumisele Tartu maakonnas. Võsastunud ala uuriti Maa-ameti taimkatte
kaardi alusel. Võsana arvestati kõigepealt taimkatet miinimumkõrgusega 1,0 meetrit ja
seejärel miinimumkõrgusega 1,5 meetrit. Igale põllumassiivile arvutati seda kirjeldavad
omadused Maa-ameti digitaalsetelt kaartidelt programmide ArcMap ja Quantum GIS abil.
Saadud põllumassiivide andmete põhjal moodustati programmis Statistica karp-vurrude
graafikud, mille alusel uuriti võsastunud ala osatähtsuse ja põllumassiivi ruumiliste
omaduste vahelisi seoseid.
Töö tulemusel selgus, et põllumassiivide ruumiliste omaduste ja võsastumise vahel on
seosed. Võsastumist mõjutavad põllumassiivi pindala, boniteet, kompaktsus, konarlikkus,
maaparanduse osatähtsus, kaugus Tartust, kaugus asulast, kaugus teest ja kaugus
naaberpõllumassiivist. Põllumassiivide võsastumise ja ruumiliste omaduste vahelised
seosed on sarnased olenemata valitud taimkatte piirkõrgusest.
Magistritöö annab ülevaate, kuidas mõjutavad põllumassiivi ruumilised omadused
võsastumist. Teema edasiarendamise üks võimalus on uurida samade ruumiliste omaduste
mõju teiste Eesti maakondade põllumajandusmaade võsastumisele. Teine võimalus on
uurida sotsiaalmajanduslike tegurite mõju Tartumaa põllumassiivide võsastumisele.
Technological progress and introduction of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides makes it possible to use arable land more and more intensively (Benayas et al. 2007). But besides land use intensification the land abandonment has become an increasing problem. The aim of the Masters’s Thesis is to investigate the impact of arable land spatial characteristics on arable land shrub encroachment in Tartu county. Shrub encroachment was investigated on the basis of Land Board Canopy Height Model. The shrub was considered firstly as as a green cover higher than 1.0 meter and secondly as a green cover higher than 1.5 meters. For every arable land parcel the descriptive characteristics were calculated from Land Board digital maps, using programs ArcMap and Quantum GIS. Box-whiskers graphs in the program Statistics were used to analyse the share of the shrub encroachment on arable land and the arable land spatial characteristics. Results of the work showed that arable land spatial characteristics are associated with shrub encroachment. Shrub encroachment is affected by the area of arable land parcel, the soil site class (fertility characteristic), the compactness, the bumpiness, the share of land improvement, the distance from Tartu, the distance from the settlement, the distance from the road, the distance from the neighbouring arable land parcel. Associations between the arable land shrub encroachment and spatial characteristics are similar despite the chosen threshold height of the green cover. Masters’s Thesis gives an overview how the arable land parcel’s spatial characteristics are influencing shrub encroachment. One possibility for further development of the subject is to investigate how are the same spatial characteristics influencing arable land shrub encroachment in other Estonian counties. The other possibility is to investigate the influence of socio-economic characteristics on arable land shrub encroachment in Tartu county.
Technological progress and introduction of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides makes it possible to use arable land more and more intensively (Benayas et al. 2007). But besides land use intensification the land abandonment has become an increasing problem. The aim of the Masters’s Thesis is to investigate the impact of arable land spatial characteristics on arable land shrub encroachment in Tartu county. Shrub encroachment was investigated on the basis of Land Board Canopy Height Model. The shrub was considered firstly as as a green cover higher than 1.0 meter and secondly as a green cover higher than 1.5 meters. For every arable land parcel the descriptive characteristics were calculated from Land Board digital maps, using programs ArcMap and Quantum GIS. Box-whiskers graphs in the program Statistics were used to analyse the share of the shrub encroachment on arable land and the arable land spatial characteristics. Results of the work showed that arable land spatial characteristics are associated with shrub encroachment. Shrub encroachment is affected by the area of arable land parcel, the soil site class (fertility characteristic), the compactness, the bumpiness, the share of land improvement, the distance from Tartu, the distance from the settlement, the distance from the road, the distance from the neighbouring arable land parcel. Associations between the arable land shrub encroachment and spatial characteristics are similar despite the chosen threshold height of the green cover. Masters’s Thesis gives an overview how the arable land parcel’s spatial characteristics are influencing shrub encroachment. One possibility for further development of the subject is to investigate how are the same spatial characteristics influencing arable land shrub encroachment in other Estonian counties. The other possibility is to investigate the influence of socio-economic characteristics on arable land shrub encroachment in Tartu county.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, maade hülgamine, võsa, haritav maa