Eesti Maaülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli bakalaureuseõppe ärinduse- ja halduse päevaõppe õppekavadele sisseastunute eriala valiku põhjuste analüüs
Kättesaadav alates
Aasa, Sandra
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Kõrgkooli ja eriala valik on üks olulisemaid otsuseid inimese elus, kes soovib omandada kõrgharidust. Tänapäeval üha keerulisemaks muutuv tööturg ja kiire tehnoloogiline areng on muutnud selle valiku tegemise veelgi olulisemaks. Haridusvaliku otsustusprotsessis seistakse silmitsi mitmete mõjuteguritega, alates isiklikest eelistustest ja perekonna ootustest kuni ühiskondlike trendide ja majanduslike võimalusteni, mis võivad tugevalt mõjutada iga otsustusprotsessi etappi. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on välja selgitada, milliste tegurite või mõjurite alusel on valinud ärinduse- ja halduse õppekavagrupi üliõpilased majanduse eriala Eesti Maaülikoolis või Tartu Ülikoolis. Uurimiseesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutati kombineeritud uurimismeetodit ning koguti selle jaoks andmeid ankeetküsitluse abil, mis koosnes valikvastustega küsimustest ning avatud küsimustest. Ankeetküsitlusest saadud valikvastuste analüüsimiseks kasutati kvantitatiivset ja statistilist meetodit ning avatud küsimuste analüüsimiseks kasutati kvalitatiivset meetodit. Peamisteks eriala valikut mõjutavateks teguriteks oli üliõpilaste seas, huvi pakkuv ja informatiivne õppekava sisu ning kui on lai võimalus teha karjääri sellel erialal. Ülikooli valimisel lähtusid uuringus osalenud tudengid enamasti ülikooli mainest.
The choice of university and major is one of the most important decisions in the life of a person who wants to acquire higher education. Today's increasingly complex job market and rapid technological development have made it even more important to make this choice. In the decision-making process of educational choice, one is faced with several influencing factors, from personal preferences and family expectations to social trends and economic opportunities, which can strongly influence each stage of the decision-making process. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to find out on the basis of which factors or agents the students of the business and administration curriculum group have chosen the economics major at the Estonian University of Life Sciences or the University of Tartu. In order to achieve the research objective, a combined research method was used, and data was collected for it using a questionnaire consisting of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. Quantitative and statistical methods were used to analyze the multiple-choice answers obtained from the questionnaire, and qualitative methods were used to analyze the open questions. Among the students, the main factors influencing the choice of major were the content of the curriculum, which was interesting and informative, and if there was a wide opportunity to make a career in this major. When choosing a university, the students who participated in the study were mostly based on the reputation of the university.
The choice of university and major is one of the most important decisions in the life of a person who wants to acquire higher education. Today's increasingly complex job market and rapid technological development have made it even more important to make this choice. In the decision-making process of educational choice, one is faced with several influencing factors, from personal preferences and family expectations to social trends and economic opportunities, which can strongly influence each stage of the decision-making process. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to find out on the basis of which factors or agents the students of the business and administration curriculum group have chosen the economics major at the Estonian University of Life Sciences or the University of Tartu. In order to achieve the research objective, a combined research method was used, and data was collected for it using a questionnaire consisting of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. Quantitative and statistical methods were used to analyze the multiple-choice answers obtained from the questionnaire, and qualitative methods were used to analyze the open questions. Among the students, the main factors influencing the choice of major were the content of the curriculum, which was interesting and informative, and if there was a wide opportunity to make a career in this major. When choosing a university, the students who participated in the study were mostly based on the reputation of the university.
Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, turundus, otsustusprotsess, ärinduse-ja halduse õppekavad, kõrgharidus