Maatulundusmaa sihtotstarbega katastriüksuste vastavus maakorralduse nõuetele
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maa kui ressursi säilitamiseks on vaja maakorraldust. Maakorralduse rakendamise
tulemusena maaressursside kasutamise olukord paraneb. Maakorralduse edukaks
läbiviimiseks on vaja täita maakorralduse nõudeid.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on hinnata maatulundusmaa sihtotstarbega
katastriüksuste vastavust maakorralduse nõuetele Eesti erinevates piirkondades ning välja
selgitada kas esineb erinevusi erinevates piirkondades.
Töö empiiriline osa on läbiviidud läbilõikeuuringu meetodil. Põhiline tööks vajalik
informatsioon koguti teadusartiklitest, õigusaktidest ja varasematest lõputöödest.
Andmetöötluseks kasutati programme QGIS 3.22.5, MS Excel 2022 ja Adobe Illustrator
Uurimistöö tulemusena leiti Eesti erinevates piirkondades asuvates külades
maakorralduslike nõuete täitmise ja mitte täitmise esinemist maatulundusmaadel ning
selgitati välja kas erinevates piirkondades esineb erinevusi. Selleks loodi statistilised
tabelid ja arvutati igas külas katastriüksuste kompaktsuskoefitsent ning arutleti
uurimistulemuste üle.
Eelnevate sama teemat käsitletavate töödega võrreldes nähtub, et maakorralduse nõuete
täitmine vajab veel põhjalikumat uurimist. Maakorralduse läbiviimisel tuleks
maakorralduse nõudeid aktiivsemalt ja mõtestatumalt käsitleda, kuid selleks on Eestil vaja
eeskuju võtta riikidelt, kellel on toimivamad maakorraldussüsteemid, mis vajaks
põhjalikumaid jätkuuringuid.
Land management is need to preserve land as a resource. As a result of the implementation of land management, the use of land Resources improves. In order to successfully conduct land management, it is necessary to meet the land Consolidation. The aim of this master’s thesis is to assess the compliance of land consolidation requirements of land-use cadastral units in different regions of Estonia and to determine whether there are differences in different regions. The empirical part of the work is Carried out using the cross-sectional study method. The main information required for this work was collected from scientific articles, legislations and previous final papers. Programs used for data processing were QGIS 3.22.5, MS Excel 2022 and Adobe Illustrator 2020. As a result of the research, the occurence of compliance with land management requirements in villages located in different regions of Estonia and it was found out whether there were differences between the different regions. Statistical tables were created and the compact coefficient of cadastral units was calculated in each village and the research results were discussed. Compared to previous work on the same subject, it appears that compliance with land consolidation requirements needs to be further investigated. When implementing land consolidation, the requirements of land readjustment should be considered more actively and meaningfully. Estonia needs to take the example of countries with more efficient land management systems, which would require more in-depth research.
Land management is need to preserve land as a resource. As a result of the implementation of land management, the use of land Resources improves. In order to successfully conduct land management, it is necessary to meet the land Consolidation. The aim of this master’s thesis is to assess the compliance of land consolidation requirements of land-use cadastral units in different regions of Estonia and to determine whether there are differences in different regions. The empirical part of the work is Carried out using the cross-sectional study method. The main information required for this work was collected from scientific articles, legislations and previous final papers. Programs used for data processing were QGIS 3.22.5, MS Excel 2022 and Adobe Illustrator 2020. As a result of the research, the occurence of compliance with land management requirements in villages located in different regions of Estonia and it was found out whether there were differences between the different regions. Statistical tables were created and the compact coefficient of cadastral units was calculated in each village and the research results were discussed. Compared to previous work on the same subject, it appears that compliance with land consolidation requirements needs to be further investigated. When implementing land consolidation, the requirements of land readjustment should be considered more actively and meaningfully. Estonia needs to take the example of countries with more efficient land management systems, which would require more in-depth research.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, maakorralduse nõuded, maatulundusmaa