Kasutatud rehvide taaskasutuse tehnoloogiate uurimus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on uurida kasutatud rehvide ümbertöötlemise tehnoloogiaid
ning kirjeldada nende iseärasusi. Töös on välja toodud rehvide mõju keskkonnale ehk
miks on rehvide taaskasutamine aktuaalne teema tänapäeva maailmas. Lähemalt on
räägitud ka Euroopas kasutusel olevatest juhtimistüüpidest ning analüüsi tulemusena on
valitud ka kõige efektiivsem juhtimistüüp, milleks on maksesüsteem. Töös räägitakse ka
hetkeolukorras Eestis ning kuidas üritatakse jagu saada hetkel valitsevast
rehviprobleemist. Autori poolt on välja pakutud ka lahendus Eesti olukorra parandamiseks
ning soovitus hakata tootma rehviõlist diisliõli. Välja on toodud nii rehvi struktuur, rehvi
koostisosad ning rehvi valmistamise protsess. Uuritakse erinevaid ümbertöötlemise
tehnoloogiaid mis on jaotatud nelja tasemesse, millest enamlevinud on ümbritsev
jahvatamine, krüogeene jahvatamine, devulkaniseerimine ning pürolüüs. Tasemete kaupa
on tehnoloogiaid võrreldud ning seejärel teostatud ka analüüs. Peamised taaskasutamise
tehnoloogiad on rehvide kasutamine energia tootmiseks, betoonisegus, teede ehituses ning
rehviõlist diisliõli tegemine. Üheks taaskasutus viisiks on ka protekteerimine, mille käigus
lisatakse hea struktuuriga vanale rehvile uus turvis ning külgseinad. Autori poolt on
teostatud ka tootearendus elastsete piirete näol äärekivide ja betoonpiirete katteks
võidusõiduautode linnarallidel.
The aim of this Bachelor´s Thesis is to research used tires recycling technologies and to describe their special features. It outlines the environmental impact of tires, why the reuse of tires is a topical issue in today´s world. There is talk about management schemes in Europe and as a result of the analysis, the most effective management scheme is brought out, which is the tax system. The current situation in Estonia has also been thoroughly discussed and how the goverment is trying to resolve the current issue with old tyres. The author also proposes a solution to improve Estonia´s situation and a recommendation to start producing diesel oil from tire oil. Listed below are the structure and the components of the tire and the tire manufacturing process. Various recycling technologies are researched, which are dividend into four levels of which most commonly used are ambient grinding, cryogenic grinding, devulcanization and pyrolysis. Technologies separated by levels are compared and then the analysis has been performed.The main uses of recycled tires are for energy production, concrete mix, road construction and making diesel oil out of tire oil. One way of using old tires is retreading. In this process the old tire with a good strucutal quality is taken and gets added a new tread and sidewalls. The author has carried out product development in the form of resilient boundaries for curbstones and concrete slabs that can be used in racing cars City rally.
The aim of this Bachelor´s Thesis is to research used tires recycling technologies and to describe their special features. It outlines the environmental impact of tires, why the reuse of tires is a topical issue in today´s world. There is talk about management schemes in Europe and as a result of the analysis, the most effective management scheme is brought out, which is the tax system. The current situation in Estonia has also been thoroughly discussed and how the goverment is trying to resolve the current issue with old tyres. The author also proposes a solution to improve Estonia´s situation and a recommendation to start producing diesel oil from tire oil. Listed below are the structure and the components of the tire and the tire manufacturing process. Various recycling technologies are researched, which are dividend into four levels of which most commonly used are ambient grinding, cryogenic grinding, devulcanization and pyrolysis. Technologies separated by levels are compared and then the analysis has been performed.The main uses of recycled tires are for energy production, concrete mix, road construction and making diesel oil out of tire oil. One way of using old tires is retreading. In this process the old tire with a good strucutal quality is taken and gets added a new tread and sidewalls. The author has carried out product development in the form of resilient boundaries for curbstones and concrete slabs that can be used in racing cars City rally.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, protekteerimine, pürolüüs, taaskasutus, rehvid