Modelling of operator’s focusing scheme along working hours: harvesting operation
Kättesaadav alates
Szabó, I.
Hushki, M.
Bártfai, Z.
Kátai, L.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
In consistent with the growing research activities regarding the Farm 4.0 concept, it is
valuable to consider each possible chance of enhancement which is expected to contribute
positively to the productivity and the safety of planned operations. Human centred design concept
is becoming essential for the multitasking vehicles market, which promotes the research
experiments aiming to understand the human behaviour inside the vehicle cabins to proceed with
upgrading the design, planning and production procedures based on validated inputs leading to
introducing reliable solutions for more productive and safety conduct of operations. The accurate
and deep analysis of the operator behaviour inside the cabin will lead to a better understanding
for the problems and issues need to be resolved in new designs in addition to providing the
production planning (i.e. manpower planning and working shift period) with the necessary data
to ensure achieving the maximum efficiency and effectiveness. In this research, the operator’s
glance behaviour inside the tractor cabin is studied during the harvesting operation to develop a
model for the change of operator's focusing scheme along working hours.
off-road vehicle, operator’s behaviour, eye tracking, focusing scheme, passive fatigue, precision farming, articles