Sõrgade hooldamisest, probleemidest ja nende tervist mõjutavatest teguritest piima- ja lihaveistel
Kättesaadav alates
Rannu, Lisette
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Bakalaureusetöös uuriti piima- ja lihaveiste sõratervishoidu Eesti farmides ning kuidas
tagada hea sõrgade olukord. Selleks viidi läbi küsitlused Eesti piima- ja lihaveisekasvatajate hulgas. Andmeid analüüsiti MS Excel 2016 tabelarvutusprogrammiga.
Põhilisteks sõrahaigusteks karjades olid flegmoon, laminiit, valgejoon haigus ning
digitaaldermatiit. Veiste sõrgu ravivad veterinaarid ja sõrahooldajad, kuid väiksemates
ettevõtetes on selleks farmitöötaja. Ennetavateks meetmeteks toodi välja sõravannide
kasutamine, veistel liikumise tagamine karjamaal ja regulaarne sõrgade värkimine.
Sõrgade regulaarset värkimist teostatakse piima- ja lihaveisefarmides enamjaolt 1–2 korda
aastas, mis on oluline, et tagada hea sõrgade olukord.
The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis was to analyse hoof health of dairy and beef cattle on Estonian farms and how to ensure a good hoof condition. Surveys were conducted among Estonian dairy and beef cattle farmers. Data were analyzed with MS Excel 2016 spreadsheet program. The main foot diseases in herds were phlegmon, laminitis, white line disease and digital dermatitis. Bovine hooves were treated by veterinarians and hoof caretakers, but in smaller farms by farm worker. Preventive measures included the use of hoof baths, ensuring the movement of cattle on pasture and regular hoof care. Regular hoof care was carried out on dairy and beef farms mostly 1–2 times a year, which is important to ensure a good hoof condition.
The aim of this Bachelor`s thesis was to analyse hoof health of dairy and beef cattle on Estonian farms and how to ensure a good hoof condition. Surveys were conducted among Estonian dairy and beef cattle farmers. Data were analyzed with MS Excel 2016 spreadsheet program. The main foot diseases in herds were phlegmon, laminitis, white line disease and digital dermatitis. Bovine hooves were treated by veterinarians and hoof caretakers, but in smaller farms by farm worker. Preventive measures included the use of hoof baths, ensuring the movement of cattle on pasture and regular hoof care. Regular hoof care was carried out on dairy and beef farms mostly 1–2 times a year, which is important to ensure a good hoof condition.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, sõrahaigused, sõrahooldustooted, piimaveised, lihaveised