Eesti jalgpallikohtunike füüsiline ja vaimne töökeskkond
Kättesaadav alates
Pikat, Mark-Julius
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti jalgpalliga ning spordiergonoomikaga seotuid küsimusi on oluline uurida, kuna jalgpallinõuded
kasvavad iga päevaga ja sellega peavad kaasa liikuma ka jalgpallikohtunikud. Spordiergonoomika
puudutab lisaks tavalise töökeskkonna uurimisele ka sportlase enda kognitiivset analüüsi, kes on
ümbritsetud erinevate füüsiliste ja psühholoogiliste faktoritega ja mis võivad mõjutada sooritust.
Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida Eesti jalgpallikohtuniku tööga seotud keskkonda ning
füüsilise ja vaimse töökoormuse ning töövõime ja motivatsiooni näitajaid. Selleks viidi läbi
psühhosotsiaalsete tegurite küsitlus (n=90), analüüsiti tegevkohtunike igapäevaseid kitsaskohti
(n=196), jälgiti kohtunike füüsilist valmisolekut (n=60) ning nende mängualast sooritust. Kõige
olulisemaks pidasid Eesti kohtunikud töö-pereelu konflikti ning kõige vähemtähtsaks uneprobleeme.
Kohtunike tugevusteks on lisaks psühhosotsiaalsetele ohuteguritele ka füüsiline vorm, motivatsioon,
mängu lugemine ja keskendumine. Viimaste aastate jooksul on paranenud ka kohtunike füüsiline
vorm, mis peegeldub mängude jooksul tehtavates otsustes. Lõputöö on koostatud jalgpallikohtuniku
rolli edendamiseks, milleks koondati kokku töös analüüsitud erinevaid näitajaid ning sooritust
mõjutavaid tegureid.
Football becomes increasingly demanding and dynamically changing requirements are in force for football referees, hence it is important to research those from the perspective of sports ergonomics in the context of Estonian football. Along with the working environment, the field of sports ergonomics covers the requirements of the athlete surrounded by different physical and psychological factors, which could affect referees’ performance. The purpose of this final thesis is to research the environment of Estonian football referee and define physical and cognitive workload values, along with working ability and motivational levels. The psychosocial questionnaire (n=90), active referees’ questionnaire (n=196) and the monitoring of referees’ physical preparation (n~60) were analysed. The most important factor among Estonian referees was the work-family conflict and the least important were sleep-related problems. In addition to psychosocial risk factors, the referees assessed their physical fitness, motivation, game flow understanding and concentration as their strengths. In the past years, the referees improved their physical fitness, which is reflected in the decision-making process and the precision of decision. The following master thesis is composed to promote the role of a referee by collocating different indicators and factors affecting performance the most.
Football becomes increasingly demanding and dynamically changing requirements are in force for football referees, hence it is important to research those from the perspective of sports ergonomics in the context of Estonian football. Along with the working environment, the field of sports ergonomics covers the requirements of the athlete surrounded by different physical and psychological factors, which could affect referees’ performance. The purpose of this final thesis is to research the environment of Estonian football referee and define physical and cognitive workload values, along with working ability and motivational levels. The psychosocial questionnaire (n=90), active referees’ questionnaire (n=196) and the monitoring of referees’ physical preparation (n~60) were analysed. The most important factor among Estonian referees was the work-family conflict and the least important were sleep-related problems. In addition to psychosocial risk factors, the referees assessed their physical fitness, motivation, game flow understanding and concentration as their strengths. In the past years, the referees improved their physical fitness, which is reflected in the decision-making process and the precision of decision. The following master thesis is composed to promote the role of a referee by collocating different indicators and factors affecting performance the most.
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, spordiergonoomika, töökoormus, vaimne seisund, töövõime