Determination of Eigenstresses in Machine Elements Restored by Galvanic Coatings : [Autoreferat for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences : full text in Russian]
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Leningrad Agricultural Institute
Extended summary of thesis for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences): [full text in Russian]. This thesis of J. P. Kõo (Supervisor: Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences S. G. Gutman) for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences is completed at Leningrad Agricultural Institute and at Estonian Agricultural Academy in 1957- 1965. The following research results are obtained: 1. A survey of the studies focusing on experimental techniques for determination of eigenstresses (henceforth residual stresses) in galvanic coatings is provided. 2. An algorithm for determination of residual stresses in machine elements restored by addition of galvanic coatings is proposed. 3. Presence of an equibiaxial state of residual stress in the superficial layer of a galvanic coating is established [8]. 4. A classification of galvanic coatings onto thin and thick coatings is offered. 5. Algorithms for calculation of residual stresses in plates coated at fixed, slipping or free edges are developed [5] (extension of the work of Stoney [2] and of Brenner and Senderoff [3). In particular, for a free plate substrate with unilateral coating for the deformation and the curvature measuring methods Stoney´s differential formulas are extended (see(Egs.(15)) and their integration is considered. 6. Problems related to determination of residual stresses in cylinders [6] and spheres [7] at application of galvanic coatings are solved. 7. Formulas for calculation of thermal stresses in galvanically covered plates, cylinders and spheres are established. 8. Techniques for determination of the initial stress (stress in the superficial layer) of a coating from deformation parameters measured at application of the coating are critically examied. 9. A new technique for experimental determination of initial stress is developed [9]. According to this, a coating to be investigated will be applied on the external surface of a thin-walled tubular cathode (see Fig.5). In addition, by using of electrical-resistance strain gauges on the internal surface of the cathode, strains are measured as a function of variable coating thickness (see Fig.6). Initial stress is determined (see Table 2) via approximation of experimental information by Eq.(19). 10. Examples of investigation of residual stresses for some details restored with the help of an iron galvanic coating are presented.
Author´s publications:
4. Thermoelastic Stresses in Multilayered Plates Under Variable Heating in the Direction of Thickness.
5. Calculation of Eigenstresses in Electrodeposits by Deformation of a Thin Plate Cathode.
6. Calculation of residual stresses in electrodeposited circular cylindres.
7. Calculation of residual stresses in electrodeposited spheres.
8. Eigenstresses in thin electrodeposits.
9. Determination of eigenstresses in electrodeposits by deformation of a thin walled tube cathode.
Author´s publications:
4. Thermoelastic Stresses in Multilayered Plates Under Variable Heating in the Direction of Thickness.
5. Calculation of Eigenstresses in Electrodeposits by Deformation of a Thin Plate Cathode.
6. Calculation of residual stresses in electrodeposited circular cylindres.
7. Calculation of residual stresses in electrodeposited spheres.
8. Eigenstresses in thin electrodeposits.
9. Determination of eigenstresses in electrodeposits by deformation of a thin walled tube cathode.
engine components (elements), metal coatings, electroplating, stress (mechanics), measurement, metallization, autoreferats