Quantity of colouring substance in grapes and raisins from seedlesss hybrid forms with coloured grape juice (Vitis vinifera L.)
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
A study of the amount of colouring substance in the skins
and juice of grapes and raisins of seedless vine forms with coloured grape
juice of six hybrid combinations was performed. It was found that most of
the hybrid forms of all crosses were superior to the mother variety Alicante
Bouschet in the amount of anthocyanins in the grape juice, and only a few
ones have mathematically proven differences. Most of them do not differ
from the parent variety in colour intensity and colour shade, as well as in
the percentage of yellow, red and blue colour. The ‘Alicante Bouschet’
variety has a proven lower content of anthocyanins in the skins of grapes
and raisins of several hybrid forms. There is a proven high or moderate
positive correlation between the content of anthocyanins in the skins and
the juice of the grapes and the intensity of the colour in the hybrid forms
of most crosses. Approximately 47% of the increase in the intensity of the
colour of the grape juice can be explained by an increase in the amount of
anthocyanins, and only 27% of the reasons for the changes in the intensity
of the colour of the grapes are due to factors that do not affect changes in
the content of anthocyanins in them.
Saabunud / Received 9.06.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 30.06.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.08.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Neli Keranova ; nelikeranova@abv.bg
colouring substance, skins and grape juice, raisins, seedless colouring hybrid forms, articles