Välistrenažööride arendus
Kättesaadav alates
Mänd, Andreas
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Välistrenažööride kasutamine on muutunud üha populaarsemaks. Turul pakutavad
trenažööride funktsionaalsed omadused on kehvad, kuna treeningu koorms on liialt väike
ja seadmed on liialt kallid. Sellest tulenevalt projekteeriti ja valmistati ettevõttes AV
Group välistrenažöörid, mis võimaldavad paremat treeningkoormust. Magistritöö
eesmärk on arendada ja parendada projekteeritud välistrenažööride funktsionaalseid
omadusi. Selleks uuritakse kehtivaid nõudeid välistrenažööridele. Teostatakse
keerulisemate varbmehhanismidega seadmete kinemaatika ja dünaamika analüüs
tarkvaras Autodesk Inventor, mille tulemusel optimeeriti seadmete mehaanikat. Viiakse
läbi seadme suurima koormusega lülide tugevusanalüüs ja pakutakse välja konstruktsiooni
tugevduse võimalusi. Uuritakse võimalust muutuva raadiusega hammasrataste kasutamist
trenažööri jõuülekandes, et paremini arvestada lihase iseärasustega. Edasiarendusena
tuleks pakutud arendusi rakendada reaalsete trenažööride peal.
The use of outdoor gym equipment has become more and more popular. The functionality of the fitness equipment offered on the market is often poor, as the workload is too small and the equipment is too expensive. Consequently, company AV Group designed and produced outdoor training equipment that allow for a better workload. The aim of the Master's thesis is to develop and improve the functional characteristics of the designed trainers. For this current requirements and ISO standards is analyzed. The kinematics and dynamics analysis of devices with more complicated pivot mechanisms is performed in the Autodesk Inventor software, which allowed optimization of the equipment mechanism. The strength analysis of the highest load bearing pivot mechanism details is carried out and ways to strenghten the components is offered. Also it is proposed the possibility of using noncircular gears in the mechanism in order to better follow muscle features. As a further development, the proposed changes should be applied to next prototype devices.
The use of outdoor gym equipment has become more and more popular. The functionality of the fitness equipment offered on the market is often poor, as the workload is too small and the equipment is too expensive. Consequently, company AV Group designed and produced outdoor training equipment that allow for a better workload. The aim of the Master's thesis is to develop and improve the functional characteristics of the designed trainers. For this current requirements and ISO standards is analyzed. The kinematics and dynamics analysis of devices with more complicated pivot mechanisms is performed in the Autodesk Inventor software, which allowed optimization of the equipment mechanism. The strength analysis of the highest load bearing pivot mechanism details is carried out and ways to strenghten the components is offered. Also it is proposed the possibility of using noncircular gears in the mechanism in order to better follow muscle features. As a further development, the proposed changes should be applied to next prototype devices.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, treeninguseadmed