Aastatel 1998-2015 Tartu linnalähedastel aladel moodustatud uusarendused ja nende realiseerumist mõjutavad tegurid
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva töö eesmärk on välja selgitada erinevate tegurite mõju Tartu linnalähedaste
arenduspiirkondade kasutusele võtmisele. Autorile teadaolevalt on varem uuritud Tartumaa
kinnisvaraarendusi haritaval maal (Jürgenson et al. 2017) ning nende mõju haritava maa
kasutamisele, Konso (2015) uuris Rakvere linnapiirkonnas detailplaneeringutega
kehtestatud arenduspiirkondi ning mitmed autorid on uurinud Tartu eeslinnastumise ja
laialivalgumise protsesse üldiselt.
Teema on aktuaalne, sest autori arvates on Tartu linnalähedastel aladel toimunud
üleplaneerimine, üha enam jäävad silma arenduspiirkonnad, kus kasutusele on võetud
mõned üksikud krundid, puudub terviklik elukeskkond ning infrastruktuur.
Kinnisvaraarendused haritaval maal teevad murelikuks põllupidajad, sest see toob kaasa
viljaka mullaga maade kadumise ning suurenenud maatükkide killustatuse.
Uuringu läbiviimiseks kasutati Eesti Topograafiline Andmekogust kättesaadavaid andmeid
ning Maa-ameti katastri andmeid 1998.-2015. aasta Tartu, Tähtvere, Luunja, Ülenurme ja
Haaslava valla kohta. Programmis ArcGIS arvutati Eesti Topograafilise Andmekogu
andmetele põhinedes erinevate arenduspiirkondade realiseerumist mõjutavate tegurite
näitajad. Korrelatsioonimaatriksi ja kirjeldava statistika koostamiseks kasutati
tabelarvutusprogrammi Excel. Karp-vurrud-diagrammid tegurite gruppide omavaheliseks
võrdlemiseks ja andmete hajuvuse kirjeldamiseks koostati programmiga Statistica.
Käesoleva töö 1998.-2015. aasta Tartu linnapiirkonna andmete analüüsimisel selgus, et
2015. aasta 31.12. seisuga on moodustatud uutest kruntidest kasutule võetud ca 27% ning
207 arenduspiirkonna keskmine hoonestatus on 41%. Arenduspiirkondade realiseerumist
mõjutavad tegurid on aasta (aeg), kruntide keskmine pindala, kaugus Tartu linnast, kaugus
lähimast asulast ja kaugus koolist. Arenduspiirkondade kaugus maanteest ja arenduste
omavaheline kaugus on statistiliselt ebaoluliste korrelatsioonikordajatega, mis näitavad, et
nende tegurite mõju arenduspiirkondade kruntide kasutusele võtmisele on statistiliselt
ebaoluline ehk nende mõju on väike.
Uuring võib huvi pakkuda uutele kinnisvaraarendajatele, kohalikele omavalitsustele ning
kinnisvara ostuhuvilistele ja planeerijatele, andes ülevaade tegelikust olukorrast
kinnisvaraarenduste turul Tartu linnalähedastes valdades.
The aim of the present paper is to analyse the impact of various factors on the development of the suburban areas of the city of Tartu. The author has studied developments on arable land and their impact on the use of arable land in Tartu peri-urban areas (Jürgenson et al. 2017). Some authors have been concerned with viewing in general Tartu suburbanization processes and urban areas changes. Konso (2015) analysed detailed planning with respect to Rakvere peri-urban area developments. The subject is topical because the author thinks that Tartu suburban areas are over planned. In development areas, there are a number of unused land plots and many development areas do not have comprehensive living environment and infrastructure. Most of the real estate developments are located on farmland, so it is a problem for farmers because it leads to the loss of fertile soil and an increase in land parcels fragmentation. The study was carried out using the information from the Estonian National Topographic Database and the Estonia Land Board cadastral data. ArcGIS software was implemented for calculation of average spatial characteristics for all real estate development areas in Tartu, Tähtvere, Luunja, Ülenurme and Haaslava parish from the year 1998 to 2015. The data was analysed using spreadsheet program MS Excel (correlation matrix and descriptive statistics) and Statistica (box-whiskers plots). The analysis of the data of the years 1998-2015 shows that from all new plots 27% are used and in 207 development areas the average housing is 41%. The study reveals that the average introduction of developments is affected by the year (time), the average plot size, the distance from a development to Tartu, the distance to the nearest settlement and to school. The effect of the average distance of developments from the road networks and between the developments themselves on the developments realization of suburban areas is statistically insignificant. This paper may be of interest to new real estate developers, municipalities, planners and real estate shopping enthusiasts, providing an overview of the actual situation in the real estate development market in Tartu peri-urban areas.
The aim of the present paper is to analyse the impact of various factors on the development of the suburban areas of the city of Tartu. The author has studied developments on arable land and their impact on the use of arable land in Tartu peri-urban areas (Jürgenson et al. 2017). Some authors have been concerned with viewing in general Tartu suburbanization processes and urban areas changes. Konso (2015) analysed detailed planning with respect to Rakvere peri-urban area developments. The subject is topical because the author thinks that Tartu suburban areas are over planned. In development areas, there are a number of unused land plots and many development areas do not have comprehensive living environment and infrastructure. Most of the real estate developments are located on farmland, so it is a problem for farmers because it leads to the loss of fertile soil and an increase in land parcels fragmentation. The study was carried out using the information from the Estonian National Topographic Database and the Estonia Land Board cadastral data. ArcGIS software was implemented for calculation of average spatial characteristics for all real estate development areas in Tartu, Tähtvere, Luunja, Ülenurme and Haaslava parish from the year 1998 to 2015. The data was analysed using spreadsheet program MS Excel (correlation matrix and descriptive statistics) and Statistica (box-whiskers plots). The analysis of the data of the years 1998-2015 shows that from all new plots 27% are used and in 207 development areas the average housing is 41%. The study reveals that the average introduction of developments is affected by the year (time), the average plot size, the distance from a development to Tartu, the distance to the nearest settlement and to school. The effect of the average distance of developments from the road networks and between the developments themselves on the developments realization of suburban areas is statistically insignificant. This paper may be of interest to new real estate developers, municipalities, planners and real estate shopping enthusiasts, providing an overview of the actual situation in the real estate development market in Tartu peri-urban areas.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
valglinnastumine, kinnisvaraarendus, üleplaneerimine, magistritööd